View Full Version : Wall not shown in some walls

2005-07-09, 12:45 PM
I have some problems with some wall not showing in some views, I checked my crop frame but nothing, anybody can give a suggestion of what's going on?

2005-07-11, 02:16 PM
The walls might be in different worksets, phases or design options that are turned off in that view.

Martin P
2005-07-11, 03:23 PM
Is that an underlay in the view settings?

2005-07-11, 03:37 PM
I am not using phasign or worksets or any other special feature on this project.
What you see is the level 2 with underlay of lavel 1.
I just trying to figure it out why some walls are not showning.
Thanks for your help guys

2005-07-12, 10:41 AM
Crop frame really won't effect this. Try looking at your view range settings and the wall heights of the particular walls. Also phasing etc as already suggested. Check the wall properties as well for heights of those particular walls missing.

What shows up in the 3d views? If the walls look right it probably is a phasing issue. Or design options etc. It looks like they are turned off or not visible in the underlay for some reason. Also are the walls normal walls or curtain walls etc? Some may be turned off in the visibility settings.

Arnel Aguel
2005-07-12, 12:42 PM
Its kinda weird, sometimes i get this scenario with walls and sometimes rc structural elements also. No special features on, no phasing, no design option or workset used the model is correct in 3d view except for some plans where some elements are missing. What i found out is that this behaviour sometimes is caused when you try to join one element from the other.

Try to unjoin the wall element if its join to some other elements it might solve the problem.

2005-07-12, 12:51 PM
Also check that your level references etc, are consistent e.g. if one wall joins another wall on the same level with similar bases and tops that the bases and tops refer to the same levels.

2005-07-12, 01:18 PM
Right, I tried all things I could think of to replicate the problem.
The only way I could get the same effect was by drawing a solid white filled region with invisible edges, over the left portion of level 2 (where the stuff is missing).

Please tell me that's not it!


2005-07-12, 02:41 PM
I think the problem is with joing walls from different levels.
I have a wall that stars at level two as a beam and rest on the wall on level 1 maybe that will be the problem does it make any sence?
thanks for your support on this matter

2005-07-12, 02:58 PM
It may be worth posting the file if it's not too big. The problem with images of things that are not there is that you can't see what's not there.
