View Full Version : Receiving of serial number for R6

2004-01-20, 08:32 PM
I'm just wondering, if there are other users which did not yet get the serial-numbers by e-mail?

In my case, I'm still waiting :banghead:


Urban D
2004-01-20, 09:41 PM
Gerhard, I only downloaded 6 last week and was expecting an email a day or so after - nothing has arrived yet.

Wes Macaulay
2004-01-20, 10:18 PM
There's a lot of back-end work going on behind the scenes as Autodesk begins to use their standard licensing system for Revit. Here's my understanding on the subject.

Revit used to record all their licenses on a server simply called Lman for License Manager. Autodesk's license server is called Poetic, and it records all the information for Autodesk customers and their licenses. It's accessed both online when you register software with the wizard, and accessed by Autodesk staff when you call in.

Revit's Lman server is being retired. It will continue to serve people who are still using old versions of Revit, but all new licensing applications have to be done on Autodesk's Poetic server.

All of you who have purchased a seat of Revit may have received an e-mail with a contract number on it... often it's 340- with more numbers after the dash.

To install Revit 6 you run the web installer of Revit. Under the Help menu in Revit you can choose Product and License Information - do so and proceed through the dialog boxes. You can try using your 340-whatever for a serial number but it's unlikely that will work.

At the very least you will see a "request code" during the process. This sequence of numbers can be used along with your contrtact number to get Revit running on your machine. Call the 1-800 number shown to call an Autodesk operator. Give them your contract number and request code and they will give you a looooooong authorisation code. Have a pen and a big blank sheet of paper ready!

This is what I had to do to get R6 going. Updates have been a snap... just run the installer and voila... updated.

2004-01-20, 10:26 PM
If you believe you should have recieved a serial number (which is ultimately all you need to license Revit) but did not, you should probably give the Autodesk Business Center (ABC) a call at (800) 538-6401.

2004-01-20, 11:31 PM

You're right with the 340- and number (in my subscription it's called contract number)

so by going trough, I fail since I have only one serial number (R5 or R6?)

I'm not able to proceed since an error message shows up.

Contacted revitsupport by mail. It seems that they do not find my current info (just recived a few days ago a reminder about my subscription!)

So I start to understand when some people let some steam off.

It's only for three days since the trial version expired.
