View Full Version : Can't place door in exterior wall?

2005-07-12, 10:04 PM
When I try to place a door in an exterior wall w/ wall sweeps and reveals, I get an error that says "cannot create integra wall sweep for wall instance, failed to cut wall.

Now I had just transferred the wall types from my other project which seems to be corrupted, and I'm now trying to recreate the project, and the doors worked fine on that project.

Actually, I just figured it out, it's because I had a wall sweep with the profile origin point at the same height as the door sill. Why does that cause such an error, that it cannot be ignored? I had to move the sweep down 1/16" to make it work.

2005-07-12, 10:32 PM

Maybe you need to address the sweep properties, either as an integral part of the wall or as a host sweep and and check t he box "cut by inserts"

2005-07-13, 12:33 AM

Maybe you need to address the sweep properties, either as an integral part of the wall or as a host sweep and and check t he box "cut by inserts"

I had "cuttable" checked in the sweep portion of the wall type properties, and yet it still would not allow the door to be inserted if the edge of the door insert was at the same elevation as the profile's origin point for the sweep.

2005-07-13, 05:48 PM
I think cuttable is the right selection. This is from the Help files showing sweeps to be cut by doors. windows etc.

Select Cuttable if you want the sweep to be cut by wall inserts.

2005-07-13, 07:20 PM
I think cuttable is the right selection. This is from the Help files showing sweeps to be cut by doors. windows etc.

Select Cuttable if you want the sweep to be cut by wall inserts.

The sweeps that ran through the middle of the door was indeed cut, whether or not I had Cuttable checked, and actually I'm not exactly sure what this controls. It seems to behave the same either way.

It was just when I had the edge of the insert at the exact same height as the origin point of the sweep that I got the error.

2005-07-14, 12:32 AM

I tried to duplicate your situatioin by creating an exterior wall that has an integral sweep, then placing a door. Aligning the door with the bottom of the sweep, both trim, then the actual door. Then elevating the door further until it was acually in the sweep. No errors. With the cuttable box checked the door cut through the sweep, as normal. Not checking the box allowed the sweep to go through the door, not normal, but still no errors. I am at a loss.

2005-07-14, 12:45 AM

I tried to duplicate your situatioin by creating an exterior wall that has an integral sweep, then placing a door. Aligning the door with the bottom of the sweep, both trim, then the actual door. Then elevating the door further until it was acually in the sweep. No errors. With the cuttable box checked the door cut through the sweep, as normal. Not checking the box allowed the sweep to go through the door, not normal, but still no errors. I am at a loss.

It depends on where the origin of the sweep profile is. For instance place a single brick sweep in a brick wall so that one course projects out. Notice where the sweep goes in relationship to the height you set for it. Flip it so that the sweep is below the height parameter (the origin is on top of the sweep) and then place a door or window with the sweep at that same elevation.

*edit* ahh now I see what the problem is. A wall sweep in a wall will work fine, and a reveal in a wall will work fine. It's when you have a sweep and a reveal both in the same place (like a brick reveal that requires both a reveal and solid sweep) and then you try to place the door such that the edge of the door insert overlaps the sweep origins, then it gives the error. Bug perhaps?

2005-07-14, 01:25 AM
Well I was going to upload a sample, but I can't seem to get the file size below 2MB, even with just 1 wall with a sweep and a reveal and a door.

Maybe somebody could try to replicate it.

Draw a wall with brick, and set the bottom offset to 8" below the floor level.

Load the single brick profile, and define a sweep of 1 brick course, set it to 8" up from the bottom of the wall (which will be the floor level), and then flip it so that the profile is below the origin point. You'll probably also need to set the offset to -3 5/8" to get it flush with the brick on the wall.

Then define a reveal of the same kind, in the same location, so that the sweep will be inside the reveal.

Now try to place a door, and it probably will say something about failed to cut wall. If you flip the sweep and reveal back so that the profile is above the origin, then the door will place fine and cut the sweeps.