View Full Version : Site Subregion Problem

2005-07-13, 04:33 PM
There was a post awhile back where someone was discussing the problems with cutting multiple pads when the edges touch, if you will remember...this is sort of an extension of that because it has come back to haunt me in another fun and interesting way...
The story is that I have a building with an elevator shaft so it therefore has 2 pads, one for the slab and one for the elevator pit. I was having a lot of trouble getting the elevator pit pad to cut and then one day by some miracle it just worked.
Now fast forward to yesterday when I decided to take my generic and nebulous site topography and add some material definition to it using subregions. I was cutting out the circular driveway which is about 60' from the elevator pit, so they in no way touch or overlap or intersect, and I finished my lovely circular drive shape and hit the finish key when I got a very odd message saying that my pads couldn't overlap but they could touch. Again, let me state that no pad in any way touches or comes near the circular drive cut out, and not only that, but I was not creating a new pad, I was creating a subregion.
I found this odd...does anyone have any ideas or pointers or "hey, this has happened to me too"'s? It's going to be a very rocky road here creating the site deliniation if I keep having these "can't ignore" error messages.

2005-07-13, 05:47 PM
Send it in, Sites and subregions just have issues. I would suggest deleting the elevator pad and just turning off the topo in the elevator sections.