View Full Version : Floor finishes?

Phil Read
2005-07-13, 06:37 PM
See attached. Just a thought. Concurrency would be an issue - but very flexible.


Scott D Davis
2005-07-13, 07:04 PM
Hmm...Phil, not exactly sure what the advantage might be? Could you explain?

Wes Macaulay
2005-07-13, 07:04 PM
Ya - that's a fast way to get your floor finishes in! :cool:

Allen Lacy
2005-07-13, 08:23 PM
So the next evolution (or Revitlution, sorry Chris Z) should be a tool similar to the ceiling tool for floor finishes. Phils idea works nice, but it's not "Revit smart". Any scheduling or exporting ODBC for estimates, etc. wouldn't have good information.

2005-07-13, 08:43 PM
Now that you can tag a floor, I wouldn't want to use a ceiling and create a ceiling finish schedule that had floor finishes in it. I like the idea of a floor finish tool that found the walls. As a workaround its nice. I wouldn't want to walk on the act flooring though.

2005-07-13, 08:54 PM
I would prefer a Basic Floor similar to the Basic Ceiling. It is just a plane. As a matter of fact, I would like a Basic Wall too. I could find a lot of uses for these.