View Full Version : Project from 5.1 to 6.0 Problem

2004-01-23, 12:56 PM
Has anyone had a problem opening a project in 6.0 from a 5.1 file? I have a custom home that will not open and causes an error message.

2004-01-23, 02:17 PM
Yeah, believe it or not, our pilot project is having difficulty with the upgrade. Haven't tried it with the new build of 6.0 yet. It's a fairly large project, so we'll probably be waiting for the right moment to upgrade properly.

2004-01-23, 03:03 PM
Bad news gentlemen, errors are an indication of poor Reviteering :twisted:

Alright, I'll come clean, I've had some issues too, wall sweeps and constrained dimensions have been the culprits thus far. No, serious failure though thankfully. I've upgraded 2 "large" workset projects and several standalone projects so far and only the workset files gave me the issues I mentioned.

2004-01-23, 03:10 PM

I just opened a 5.1 project that used worksets in 6.0. The local file works fine, but when I try to save to cental it crashes.

How did you find the offending constraints, etc?

2004-01-23, 03:52 PM
I didn't I'm afraid, Revit "found" them for me and gave me the option of not doing anything (no upgrade) or deleting them. I deleted them and noticed no missing dimensions, so I believe they were dimensions that had been deleted but without removing the constraint they described.

Did you make sure all locals were saved to central prior to upgrading? You must do so, then upgrade the central file, then create new local copies from the newly upgraded central file. I did have a strange round where I couldn't save to central from a local and fortunately was able to create a new central from my local because no-one else had done any work. Once I did that and created a new local all was well.

2004-01-23, 04:26 PM
Did you make sure all locals were saved to central prior to upgrading?

This is most likely where I went wrong. I just use worksets for project organiziation & not project sharing.

Your suggestion of creating a new central from the local bailed me out.


2004-01-27, 01:22 AM
I had one project upgraded with a problem - with the diagnostic stating the stair had an issue with a boundary and to contact support to manually upgrade the file.

Instead, I just deleted the stair in 5.1, upgraded the file successfully and with the magic of revit, rebuilt the stair in 6.0, all in approx 30 seconds. No problemo.