View Full Version : Room Finish Schedule

Michelle Gibson
2005-07-19, 01:17 PM
Having trouble getting going at all with the room schedule. I have created the base schedule and have all my room #s and names listed, along with the basic headings. Now I want to create sub headings like north, south east west etc...

I've followed a few threads and they all say use the "group" command. The trouble is I can't highlight the heading and the "group" command is not active. What am I missing?


I was successful in highlighting more than one column heading. right now all I have is floor, base, wall and ceiling finish. I need to expand on both the wall (to get NSEW) then break each of those down to material and finish. Similar for ceiling - I need 2 subheadings of material and finish.

FYI - it does not tell you to drag the mouse across the heading columns in order to select them, and it does not allow you to select only 1 column to group (obviously). So...

I am confused

2005-07-19, 01:28 PM
First go to the fields portion of the schedule dialog box, make your new fields(ie North wall finish, etc.)

Then you group those, dont' group first.

Michelle Gibson
2005-07-19, 01:59 PM
Thanks so far... Trial and error, I started backwards and created 8 columns using the available headings, then renamed them "material" and "finish" for each of my NSEW. Then I grouped each two pairs, added the new header for each of the NSEW, then grouped these four and added the header for Walls.

Now, I go back to the fields and try to add back my floor material and finish as well as my base, same for ceiling material and finish. Somehow, the old headings still appear in my selected list even though I've renamed them on the actual columns, so I get an absolute mess each time I try and create a new grouped set of columns for each of the key elements.

It seems odd to have to start from the bottom up, but I can live with that. I even tried creating headings called 1 through 12 so that I could rename them and start grouping as I did for the first try. I now have a mess of fields and headings and will start over. Is the strategy of numbering the worst case scenario of "sub-sub" headings the best plan of attack?

Here is what I am trying to achieve - the 1 to 12 numbering did not work as I have multiple heading that require the same name (ie. material and finish)

2005-07-19, 04:35 PM
Renaming the field within the schedule graphics doesn't rename the actual parameter, thats why you see what you see.

Your schedule is very easy to create, here are the FIELDS you need to have created first.

Room NO.
Room Name
Floor Material
Floor Finish
Base Material
North Wall Material
North Wall Finish

South wall Material...

Ceiling Material
Ceiling Finish
Ceiling Height

Millwork Top
Millwork Base


Add those all to your schedule

then group the flooring ones and change the heading, etc.
Then you can make the abbreviations, note they won't actually change the name of the parameter because each parameter needs to be unique.

2005-07-19, 04:41 PM
Nice concise layout!

Michelle Gibson
2005-07-19, 06:21 PM
Thanks to both of you. I now have the basic framework set up for the columns for the Room Finish Schedule, and even went back to the Door & Frame schedule to customize it to our office standards. The big thing I noticed was that the old version (using predefined fields) obviously had some parameters attached to them and the schedule was partially infilled with data, which was good. Now with my custom fields I will have to create the parameters. Our REVIT expert(s) are on holidays this week, so I think I had better let sleeping dogs lie. Enough that I wiped out all his door info....

I am looking into the key scheduling to try and learn about infilling data on the room finish schedule more easily. Will keep on reading. I did some testing with one door type to see if I could get data automatically infilled and it worked, to some extent, which is not bad.

We're a smaller firm and about 65% complete through a $5M school project usign REVIT to prepare all contract documents. Still very pleased, and we have just had a staff member complete his architectural thesis and present to a jury in Toronto. He did extremely well and they were astounded at the volume of work presented, complexity of detailing and section and realistic rendering. We hope he posts some of it on your forum, or else we will get him to give you a link to see the final product once he gets it in managable file sizes - he is the boat shaped building guy, FYI!

Michelle Gibson
2005-07-20, 03:25 PM
I have had great success in the "schedule advice" thread and there is a great step by step guide for newbies like me.

thanks again.