View Full Version : Open data view window by select an object

2005-07-19, 02:30 PM
Hi !

My name is Steve. Excuse my English, but I'll try to do my best.

I have a problem when I select an object. I just want, by this selection, open the data view window (I don't want to pass by menu or right click in workspace, I just want to click and the window appear...).

Someone can help me ?


2005-07-20, 03:25 PM
Try double-clicking and see what happens. If you are clicking on polygons, lines, plines it will launch the Properties Window (I am assuming this is what you mean by view?).


2005-07-25, 06:46 PM
Thank you for your answer, but it's not exactly this case.

I don't want to see the Property window by double-click on object.

When I double-click on object, II want to see the data view table, with the approprieted record highlight in the table.

I hope that I'm more clear this time.


2005-07-26, 03:48 PM
Don't know if you still are looking for input, but here is my two cents worth. AutoCad Map is not the best for jumping between the tabular and spatial like you may be familiar with in the old ESRI world, but it works. I never use the database links but have tried with every version of Map since R4 to see if they made it easier.

You generate links, define your key field, attach your database, and view the table and if you are have done all steps right it can zoom to entity that is attached to the record selected or will highlight the record attached to the entity you select. Let me know if this sounds like what you want and can go into more detail.


2005-08-11, 05:01 PM
Thank you for your answer Jim, but I already try with AutoHighlight and AutoZoom, and I'm ok with that.

Can you tell me if exist in Autocad Map a way to double-click directly an object (like a stop sign or a tree for example) and the data view window will appear automatically with the corresponding data ?

