View Full Version : View Labels and Line

2005-07-20, 02:23 PM
Attached is a screen shot of a modification I made to a view title family and a .zip file with the actual family. I would like to understand the relationship between the line, the reference plane in the label and the actual view on the sheet. I am aware this may seem like another obsessive-compulsive "why bother" question but my goal is understanding the concepts as much as resolving this particular issue.

I modified the family to increase the bubble size. In order to maintain the OC relationship in the Y direction between the center of the bubble and the left edge of the view, I increased the radius and moved the reference plane to the right edge. This worked fine and I accomplished what I wanted. However, I cannot determine how to control the start point of the line. Can anyone explain how this works?

Thank you.

2005-07-20, 02:39 PM
Moving the reference plane caused your problem.

Open the view title template family (File/new/family/Annotations/view title.rft)

You'll find an explanation written in a note there.

2005-07-22, 01:25 PM
Perhaps I was unclear in my post. I understand the information you provided. The question is maintaining the OC relationship between the bubble and the actual view. I chose OC because I thought it would be simpler to grasp since this is the default. The OOTB view label happens to be 1/4". By default, the line begins 1/8" from the center of the circle. When I use this view label in a project, the view itself defaults to align with the center of the 1/4" circle.

To exaggerate my intent, attached is another screen shot where I made the circle ridiculously large and left the reference plane in place. As you can see, the view aligns as if the circle were still 1/4". What if I want to view to align at the right edge of the bubble? What if I want the view to remain OC? What if I want it to align with the left edge? I also understand that I can manually move the label and I am aware this may seem like splitting hairs about a small thing.

My ultimate goal is understanding how this programs "thinks" and how to fully grasp the concepts. This is one small example. Hence, I am still looking for an answer.

Thank you,