View Full Version : Aligning imported DWG data

2004-01-26, 10:17 PM
I'm having one of those moments... :oops:

Could have sworn I was able to use the Align tool with imported DWG data in 5.1. I need to align an imported floor plan and elevation with my Revit grid lines. I can't even use the Move tool because the snaps aren't working on the import either. What am I missing?

2004-01-26, 10:37 PM
I just filed a bug on this Friday. I'm assuming you imported your dwg into an elevation view with the current view button checked? If so, thats the same behavior I got. you can place the same view in plan and don't check the current view only box and see if you can dimension it.
You may be able to open the dwg and rotate it to the z axis then load it into your elevation.

Please send yours in as back up data to my bug post.

2004-01-27, 02:20 PM
Thanks, Scott. Your right on the money. I thought it seemed rather strange.


Hold that thought. I just went back into the project, removed the import and re-imported. All functions seem to work now. I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that I had the import, then enabled Worksets. Anything like that happen to you Scott?

2004-01-27, 04:25 PM
I didn't have worksets enabled, so I'm not sure why mine doesn't work, but revit has the data and filled a bug so we'll see.