View Full Version : Extraneous elevation tags in detail callouts

2004-01-27, 09:36 PM
When viewing a detail plan callout, (of a kitchen, for example), elevation symbols outside of the detailed room appear in the view as well, (sort of "floating" outside the main part of the view). This seems to be because the end of the elevation clip plane is being "caught" within the callout.

This is only an annoyance when I'm working in the view, but it becomes a problem when I place the view on a sheet as I end up with these extraneous elevation keys all over the sheet.

Is there anyway to solve this without turning off the visibility of all of my elevation tags in the view? I'd like to keep the elevation tags that are inside the detailed room on.

2004-01-27, 09:45 PM
Have you tried moving the offending tags out of the elevation range ?
Or can you adjust the elevation range to just show to the face of the bounding walls ?

2004-01-27, 09:58 PM
I just right click on them and pick hide annotation in view

2004-01-28, 07:13 PM
Thanks Scott. I hadn't noticed that option on the right click menu. That's a wonderfully simple and direct solution.