View Full Version : Not paying attention to Cyril's class...WIP...hey he...

2004-01-28, 12:20 AM
laid down the challenge...bet I couldn't do a such and such roof...so I strayed from the text. We're having our folks "formally" trained by Mr. Verley this week and so far it is excellent. Here's what I did for a little while during his class when I was supposed to be learning all about levels.

Roger Evans
2004-01-28, 12:45 AM
Cracking !!

Are these just doodles of nowhere in particular ?
or do they belong to a real job?


2004-01-28, 12:49 AM
Utter fantasy...started out as a, "bet you can't do a sloping roof that runs between two curved walls that also slope..." so I said "oh, yeah..." didn't take long. I did the roof in between listening in about 15 minutes

(SD - editor spell check - :shock: ) (thankya kahndlee, q)

Roger Evans
2004-01-28, 12:56 AM
Sounds Similar ??

Scott D Davis
2004-01-28, 12:57 AM
Very nice! I like those kind of challenges...."Bet you can't......"

<Ace Ventura on> "Oh........re..a.aa.aa...ly!"

2004-01-28, 01:06 AM
Sounds Similar ??

Roger, that design makes it nice and easy to clean out the gutter at the low end. :lol: ( a very important design consideration for me, having just spent far too long up on a hot tin roof, doing that job. )

Roger Evans
2004-01-28, 01:25 AM
trouble is it can lead to a lot of frustration when you can't get something like it going for real. Got to learn to live with that Grit my teeth & get on.

I'm really jealous of the kind of design freedom & openess you have in Oz

Always impressed by the stuff I see


2004-01-30, 07:11 PM
Departing from the text again...I'm such a poor student... :D

Scott D Davis
2004-01-31, 12:13 AM
Looks like a leak waitin' to happen....seems to have a low spot. Or is the whole assembly tilted down towards the viewer too?

Les Therrien
2004-01-31, 02:00 PM
what happens when the heavy snow fall comes? :lol:

2004-01-31, 07:28 PM
Hey this bldg is in paradise! No rain, snow, or bad anything...too bad the bldg doesn't live up to it... :D

2004-02-02, 03:56 PM
These studies always remind me of Diller+Scofidio's Slow House.

2004-02-06, 09:31 PM
*w00t! w00t!*

The Revit training police have arrived.

Mr. Verley, Mr. Verley... STEVE isn't listening!!!! Look, look, he's drawing a roof. Can I have a gold star?!?

Ya... it does kind of look like the Slow house. Where is that? Upstate NY?

2004-02-09, 03:11 PM
It was never built, but I believe it was designed to be built in Eastern Long Island. I found a link to a student who modeled/rendered the Slow House.

Click to link (http://www.arch.columbia.edu/Students/Fall99/Tsuji.Shingo/)