View Full Version : Object Lineweights ( or Lion Waits )

2004-01-28, 02:29 AM
Hi All, :D :D

I am fairly new to Revit and Have battled my way through my first 2 Projects. I am really enjoying the learing curve and love the program. I just have a few Questions on Line Weights the have stumped me.

1.When i Print out in Floor Plan . My Walls and some Objects such as toilets shrs etc have a very fine lineweight. The wall Hatching is fine but the outside Wall lines is about the same lineweight. It just looks a bit bland. How could i adjust the objects linewight?

2. In floor Plan How can you do any hatch (2d is fine) so that it doesn't go over the top of the Shower, toilet, basin etc which makes it quite hard to read. eg a Ceramic Tile Hatch? Can i do a sketch line around them?

Any Assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Dimitri Harvalias
2004-01-28, 03:26 AM
To the Line King (sorry, couldn't resist)
Object Line weights can be adjusted by going to Settings/Object Styles. Each object has a projection (viewed in elevation) lineweight and a Cut (viewed in section) lineweight. Adjust the values to get the look you want. You can also override these global values on a view specific basis.
As for hatch patterns, the definition of the object or component determines if the hatch pattern is visible beneath it or not. Check the families you are using to seee if they include a filled region to 'white out' the floor finish hatch pattern.

2004-01-28, 03:38 AM

The Line King Says THanks heaps LOL!!
I'll Give that a wirl!!

Cheers and THanks again. I hope BC is not too cold as this Time! :D :D

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-01-28, 03:54 AM
Spoke a little too quickly with regards to hatch pattern display. A family defintion can't include a filled region. :oops: That being said, any object that is created in 3D and has visibilty set to plan/rcp will effectively block out any floor pattern.

2004-01-29, 01:10 AM
:) :)

Thanks HCSL,

I Think Simba the Line King has been a bit naughty and just Edited his Sketch of the Tiled floor he made and went around the toilet and vanity and spa bath. It worked but but i think that may be a Workaround. :P

And my object Style worked great and i bumped up the line weight fine.

Looks good.


2004-01-29, 01:30 AM
If you set up your template file to contain the 3D families you use (toilets vanities etc ), you need never trim the floor again. :)

I find no memory/performance issues using the 3D families.

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-01-29, 02:09 AM
If I understand you correctly, unless your tile pattern is a thin 'finish' floor which is placed over your structure, you now have holes in the floor! I'd go with Begee's suggestion and use 3D families. A lot less hassle and no holes.

2004-01-29, 02:58 AM
Regarding floor finishes and objects...I recommend placing a floor slab that represents your structure only, like concrete or framing and sheathing.

Then in rooms you need patterns for tile or flooring etc...place an additional floor slab, this floor is only the finish and patterns assigned to materials etc. When you place families over the floor finish they will in most cases "cover" the pattern. I know quite a few folks do this and once again it is consistent with how a bldg is actually assembled.