View Full Version : Building Pad and Foundation

2005-07-27, 08:48 PM
Laid out foundation, added pad. Now running slab edge on floor (and joined with joined geometry), but Pad not cut by Host Sweep. See attached. Edited Pad to see if it would relook at floor, and the plan view shows the foundation sweep. What am I overlooking to have the pad cut in section by the sweep?

2005-07-28, 02:05 PM
Need input. Is my question clear?

2005-07-28, 05:14 PM

I came up with the same problem.

I think you'll have to either use multiple building pads with a lesser pad depth under the sweep or change your sweep into an actual foundation wall.

2005-07-28, 05:41 PM
Factory, is this true?

2005-12-07, 03:50 AM
Am using Revit 7.1. Have created a foundation using floor option for creating grade beams with extrusions. Slab was created an in place extrusion to turn on/off visibility of slab and/or grade beams.Slab edges were also created as in place sweeps. Grade beams, slab and slab edges were all joined with join geometry tool. A building pad was added. All building sections and detail views of the grade beams appear correctly in view with the fill pattern of the pad cut correctly by the grade beams. However, print pre-view or a printed hard copy does not actual cut the pad. Any clues?

Many thanks for your help.