View Full Version : How to change tool color?

2005-07-28, 09:51 AM
Is there any way to change the color of the pencil( crayon ). When I invert the background to black some tools just disappear - for example the Match type tool. All I see is little white dot on the screen and it is difficult to pick an object.

Scott Hopkins
2005-07-28, 06:52 PM
Revit's black background is a big disappointment. I think it was designed as an afterthought early on and hasn't seen any improvement since. Many of the tools simply don't read well on the black background. Sorry to say, but I recommend not fighting it and just switching to the standard white background. It only takes about a week to get used to it.

2005-07-28, 07:02 PM
You do get used to it eventually... I wish i could set it to a less jarring color though, like light blue, or yellow or something...or even just get it to match the application background setting in windows.

2005-07-28, 07:18 PM
Sorry to say, but I recommend not fighting it and just switching to the standard white background. It only takes about a week to get used to it.

I agree...I like to think of it as changing my mind-set to Revit (using white) from Autocad (using black), and when I have to work back and forth between programs, this is actually helpful because then I don't try and use revit commands in acad and visa-versa...

But, to answer the original question, you can change the sketch color lines by going under Line Styles, and you will see one called <sketch> which is defaulted as that glaring fuscia color.

2005-07-29, 02:12 PM
Hey there,

After reading this thread, I feel lucky! I had no problem switching to Revit's light grey screen from a bright white sheet of paper which gently changed to a light grey after spreading enough graphite!!! lol


2005-07-29, 02:57 PM
CorelDraw is white. Photoshop is white. Excel is white. Word is white. Notepad is white. Wasn't a big deal changing to white.

I have requested that the Clearprint 1000H watermark show up on the screen tho...

2005-07-29, 08:38 PM
Even my Mozilla browser is white when reading the AUGI forums.:) But when I spent a lot of hours every day in front of the computer on a white screen my eyes start hurting me.That's why I prefer dark colors for background.

2005-07-29, 10:21 PM
Eye fatigueness is a very personal subject.
Some benefit black/white others white/black or blue/white etc.
Anyway ...
Try out the brightness / contrast settings of your monitor(s). Maybe this helps to make the White/black more comfortable for your eyes.

2005-08-01, 01:08 PM
CorelDraw is white. Photoshop is white. Excel is white. Word is white. Notepad is white. Wasn't a big deal changing to white. .

My Photoshop is Gray (checker board), My word/excel/ notepad programs are a green color today. My explorer windows are green too. Other than Photoshop these programs respond to the application forground/background color settings in windows. AutoCAD didn't recognize this but at least it let me tone it down a bit. sometimes the high-contrast colors can cause eye strain expecially in unideal lighting conditions.

2006-10-23, 02:18 PM
The "Invert background color" option appears to be a half-baked feature. It should never have been released until the tools auto-inverting was also implemented.

This is probably a personal taste or eye-sight issue... but I have a lot more trouble disinguishing color differences with a white background. A white background causes sensory overload.


2006-10-23, 02:34 PM
The "Invert background color" option appears to be a half-baked feature. It should never have been released until the tools auto-inverting was also implemented.

This is probably a personal taste or eye-sight issue... but I have a lot more trouble disinguishing color differences with a white background. A white background causes sensory overload.

Color? In Revit? AutoCAD colored layers are soooo 80's.

2006-10-23, 10:36 PM
How bout getting rid if the silly kindergarten crayon cursor.

Bill Maddox

2006-10-23, 10:46 PM
How bout getting rid if the silly kindergarten crayon cursor.

Bill Maddox

This gets my vote. While were at it, the cursor should be a cross hair in draw mode and a pick box in pick lines mode. Not to look more like AutoCAD, but instead to keep from confusing the pick lines mode with the Modify command and having it create a wall on top of a wall when you select a wall to move it but don't realize you are still in the wall command with the pick lines mode active.

The AutoCAD religious "bash the escape key sixteen times before selecting an object" rule applies to Revit as well.

2006-10-30, 01:25 PM
How bout getting rid if the silly kindergarten crayon cursor.

Bill MaddoxBill -
You're starting to crack me up w/ the crayon thing! made me smile this morning. thanks.

Not that i disagree with you, but the appearance of that cursor has clearly bothered you deeply and for a long, long time. I think the first time i heard you on this forum, you were talking abou that crayon! LOL.


Of course, i have my own hangup w/ that cursor - that annoyingly inexplicable dot below it on the screen ;-)
I'm happy to report that they fixed the crayon to not have the dot sometime in the last version or 2...Who knows... in a few more releases, you may be relieved of the crayon burdon alltogether.

I wish you a fun week.

2006-10-31, 07:15 PM
While were at it, the cursor should be a cross hair in draw mode and a pick box in pick lines mode. Not to look more like AutoCAD...........

Please Please let us NOT have that dreadful crosshair of AutoCAD - unless it is a non defualt option, with the default as it is.
I am happy with what Revit has now and certainly do not want Revit to start loking like AutoCAD in other ways either...I am glad to have left AutoCAD way behind and all of its graphic pedantry !!

2006-11-01, 01:35 AM
I like the crayon

2006-11-01, 01:47 PM
I like the crayonHaha! alright! this crayon thing is becoming fun to me. I think i'll start a thread for it.
