View Full Version : Change level of building?

Paul P.
2005-07-29, 12:19 PM
I've got a model that someone else started, they created the lower ground floor (which is 450mm below the ground floor) at 0.0 in the model, as a result I need to move the whole building 450mm down. What is the easiest way to go about this as the model is nearly finished with a lot of information in there, my concern is that I will have to move each level one-by-one and then clean it up after if anything changes as a result of moving the levels.

Is there an easy way of doing this.

Regards, Paul.

2005-07-29, 01:29 PM
Hey there,

I just dimension the levels and lock them using a dimension string. Then, I just change the main level FFE and voila!
Good luck

Paul P.
2005-07-29, 02:32 PM
Unfortunately Steve I get a serious error message and a strong recommendation, thanks for the suggestion.

It's not looking good, I've got two of these to sort out.


2005-07-29, 05:12 PM
This has been adressed before in these forums. Try some searches. There is some way through the Settings >Relocate this Project menu if I remember correctly. I have not had to do this myself so I don't remember the exact methodology but I do remember seeing a solution posted somewhere before. I think that Irwin even responded so you might search for posts by him. Hope this helps get you pointed in the right direction.

Paul P.
2005-07-29, 05:56 PM
Robert, thanks for that, will take a look now and see if it helps me out. (Hope so) Will let you know how it goes.

Regards, Paul.

2005-08-01, 11:41 AM
Hey Paul,

This gives me some concern. I have been doing level changes that way since release 5.1 without any problems what so ever, no matter how complex the project or model. If you have a problem now, maybe it has to do with release 8 and might be a bug that needs fixing! I have not attempted this in 8; however, in 7 it still worked fine. That would be a drag if it no longer works as it is quite common to make level changes as your design/model goes from schematic to CD's. You should send it in to have the factory look at it.

Good luck and keep us posted

Paul P.
2005-08-01, 12:01 PM
Steve, tried your way on the other model and it was the same with that one as well, I seem to remember using your method in the past and it working fine. I will try on another project started in R8 and see if that has the same result, will post back and let you know.

I used Roberts suggestion and it worked like a dream, thanks Robert. I didn't know about the relocate project, but then again it's only when you come up against a problem that you find the answer.

Regards, Paul.

2005-08-01, 01:33 PM
...There is some way through the Settings >Relocate this Project menu if I remember correctly...
I use relocate project all the time to change building elevations from 0' to 100' or 7,123' - 7 1/2", I think its a great way to adjust all level elevations instantly.

The best thing about relocate project is that it does not affect existing views. If you move your project up 10' you do not have to adjust any crop regions. Just be sure to change level markers from project to shared.

2005-08-01, 03:13 PM
I used Roberts suggestion and it worked like a dream, thanks Robert. I didn't know about the relocate project, but then again it's only when you come up against a problem that you find the answer.
Glad to hear that my vague memories had some basis in fact and that you were able to get things sorted out.

2005-08-03, 07:02 AM
Levels have a property named 'Elevation Base' which is 'project' by default. If you change this property to 'shared' then you can change the 'level value' without moving the project to a different level. Try doing it!!!

For further understanding, read the Help file on Level Properties....which goes this way....

"Shared If the elevation base value is set to project, then the elevation reported on a level is with respect to the project origin. If the base value is set to shared, then the elevation reported is with respect to the shared origin. To change the shared origin, you can Relocate the Project. See Relocating and Rotating a Project. "