View Full Version : structural beams joins

2005-07-30, 01:24 PM
I don not how to make these to beam to joint properly, Any suggestions?
(see Attachment)

2005-07-30, 02:38 PM
Are they beams or walls. If walls use the edit wall joins command and select miter. It looks like the defining end points of the beams are not in the same location to allow the join if these are not walls.

2005-07-30, 03:42 PM
Sky, this is what I mean

2005-07-30, 04:08 PM
Select the ends of the beams. Each has a controlling point or end. These ends must touch the adjoining end for the beam to miter.

2005-07-30, 04:27 PM
I tried that drag the controlling point but after place them in the same place I got a error message that said that beams can not be joint. I tried to use the fillet tool but with same result.could It be a problem that I am using a steel column? when I put a concrete column in the intersection the problem disappear.
Any other suggestions?

2005-07-30, 04:59 PM
Not sure. You could embed a steel column in concrete when beams were poured. Might be a switch on the beams themselves to ignore column, not sure. I'll look later, but someone with more experience with structure should address this. (not me)

2005-07-31, 08:57 AM
The problem is being caused by the structural steel column.

Changing the steel columns family to generic overcomes the join problem.

Arnel Aguel
2005-07-31, 09:12 AM
I had the same issue before even with two intersecting corner beams only no column at all and no matter what i do join geometry or dragging control points it just wont connect properly but this is not the case for all corner beams, only one, i was able to resolve it by deleting the beams and try to do it the other way around how you draw it the first time (i..e clockwise or counter clockwise). I don't really know what causes the problem but it was resolved that way.

2005-07-31, 02:16 PM
Thanks Arnel, If you take a closer look to my sketches there some beams that intersect alone no columns and the problem persist. I agree with you that the problem is from another source. I think we need an explanation from the factory, not only the work around that you found. It must be a reason other wise it must be reported as bug don't you think?

2005-08-01, 10:21 AM

You can try my cantilever version, but you need to adjust the intersecting beam.. from the elements property : Other: EXT=1/2 of the intersecting beam...

if you can much better..


2005-08-07, 09:02 AM
The problem is being caused by the structural steel column.

Changing the steel columns family to generic overcomes the join problem.

Hi All,
I've seen this menioned a few times for columns & beams about changing the family type but could never work it out.
How do you actually change it?


2005-08-07, 12:26 PM

copy the type of family you need (if structural steel column - make a copy - don't change the original -could need it later). Open the new copy of the family, look under the pull downs, select settings, then near the bottom select family categories and parameters, change the blue highlighted line from structural columns to generic models. Save the family. Load it in your project.