View Full Version : Arc Window with Muntin

Arnel Aguel
2003-05-18, 05:08 AM
I can't seem to find any feature in Revit 5.0 that can do an arc window with muntin, in ADT this can easily be done in the entity display function.

Thanks for any reply in advance. :?: :?: :?:

2003-05-18, 08:02 AM
I can't seem to find any feature in Revit 5.0 that can do an arc window with muntin, in ADT this can easily be done in the entity display function.


Go to rugi downloads - http://www.rugi.org/download.htm - download arch topped windows from the windows section, I'm pretty sure you will find what you you want there. Load the window into your library, then load it from the library into your project. You can change the parameters within the project. If in doubt, have a look at the tutorials.

Post again if this is not what you want.


Arnel Aguel
2003-05-18, 08:43 AM
Thanks Beegee I'll check out.

Arnel Aguel
2003-05-18, 09:52 AM
I've downloaded some of the windows family from RUGI but when I try to load it in my project it says that it was done in older version and cannot be loaded into the current project.

I'm using revit 5.0. Is there any way to convert those files so that it can be loaded into revit 5.0?

2003-05-18, 11:17 AM
Are you sure it said "older"? Normally it just upgrades those automatically. 5.1 is the current version so it is possible the family you grabbed is a recent one and made in 5.1 so it can't load into 5.0.

There is no downgrade to older versions. The expectation is to upgrade to the most recent version because of the subscription business model.

Then again since you are in the Phillipines, perhaps 5.1 isn't available to you yet? Perhaps one of the Revit folks who visits here can shed some light?

Arnel Aguel
2003-05-18, 11:33 AM
I've just checked it again and found out that it was actually created in a later version which is 5.1. I cannot upgrade mine at the moment since I'm just using a demo version. I am the one picked by my boss to do an assessment to this new software that has been highly promoted to be the future of AEC Industry. Once I'm satisfied with this new software I will recommend to my boss to subscribe it.

Allen Lacy
2003-05-18, 06:08 PM
I'll post my arched window in 5.0 on Mon. when I get back to the office.