View Full Version : Site plan from OS

2005-08-02, 02:55 PM
Has anyone got any tips on creating a site plan from an Ordernance Survey drawing.

The site is varying in level and I need to show raised kerbs etc.

I usually do this in Autocad or Viz by extruding the kerb profile along a 3d path.

I dont think you can do that in revit?

Any ideas would be appreciated.


2005-08-02, 03:18 PM
extruding the kerb profile along a 3d path.
I dont think you can do that in revit?

That is correct, you cannot extrude along a "nurbs" path (read 3d). You can extrude along floors, which can slope. Another alternative is to use a ramp, and extrude along its edge. At BEST all solutions at this time are compromises. You can also split the topo at the curb/gutter combo, depending on how many points were shot along the curb, and change the topo material to be concrete at the curb.

2005-08-02, 04:02 PM
Thank you.

That has reassured me that I shouldnt spend any more time tring to work out a way of creating 3d Kerbs in Revit.

Does anyone know of a toppographical package which will allow roads to be cut into landscapes which is fairly cheap? I came across one a few years ago but I cant remember it's name?

This way I could model the site more efficiently in a seperate program and drop it into revit afterwards?

2005-08-02, 04:42 PM
Thank you.

Does anyone know of a toppographical package which will allow roads to be cut into landscapes which is fairly cheap? I came across one a few years ago but I cant remember it's name?

Seems like it was advertised in Cadalyst, but the price was like 495.00 us. I think I'd buy Sketchup for that price, and work there then import. The advantage the topo software had was it that it would layout street transitions on topo with curbs automatically. Really, really nice feature. Can't remember the name.Seems like it was out of Utah.

2005-08-14, 12:53 AM
Software was Easysite (http://www.cadeasy.com/software_information.asp?detail_id=118)

2005-08-14, 03:57 PM
Skisouth your a star!

Thats the package I looked at. I've been racking my brain trying to think of its name in search engines for the past week!

Also, I have heard that Sketch-up 5 now incorporates toppo info which could produce some nice site plans. Havent used it yet but I look forward to trialing it.

Its a real shame that the toppo side of revit is not as developed as the rest of it.

Thanks for the memory jogg!