View Full Version : Patterns Control for In-Place Families

2004-01-29, 11:45 PM
I find myself making brick landings and chimneys, etc. and can not control where the coursing lines up (Can never seem to start the first brick at the bottom). Pattern lines for in-place familes are not controllable (move & rotate) like they are for floors, walls and roofs. Anyone have a workaround? :banghead:

2004-01-30, 01:01 AM
Only model fill patterns can be aligned, not drafting fill patterns.

2004-01-30, 04:34 PM
Yes. Revit's "Masonry - Brick" material uses "Brick[Model]" surface pattern. But, I can't manipulate it. I first ran into the problem in Revit 4.0, I guess, and the Revit people told me it was a "limitation."

Allen Lacy
2004-01-30, 05:13 PM
I've had the same problem when creating in place quoin families. I can line of brick lines when editing, but when finished they jump back.

Scott Hopkins
2004-01-30, 05:19 PM

I have had the same problem. I could open and edit an in-place family so that a hatch lined up correctly, but then when I finished the family the hatch went back to not being lined up. Very frustrating. Perhaps you should try making regular families out of your in-place families.

2004-01-30, 11:38 PM
I'm not seeing that behaviour.


2004-02-01, 02:35 AM
I tried, but when you bring the new family into a project it does its wacko thing again.

If that's a wall; yes, ok. But if it's an in-place or loaded family, please advise how you were able to do that! I don't like using walls because then I can't shape them (like chimneys).

2004-02-01, 04:15 AM
Both are in place floors with brick model patterns added as surface patterns.

No tricks ... just did them as extrusions , assigned material and aligned one.

2004-02-02, 10:26 PM
Yeh, it works for floors, roofs and walls. But not for in-place or "out-of-place" families. Revit confirmed same today.

I guess the only work-around for now is to build the object (say a chimney) without pattern lines and add them in-place using reference planes, etc. Not as convenient and uses more resources and not fun for revisions (like I ever have to change my beautiful designs!).

2004-02-02, 11:17 PM
I'm not understanding what you're saying. It works OK for inplace families, but not for loaded families ?

Can you provide details of Revits response, so we can post in the Known Issues Forum.

2004-02-07, 12:22 AM
It doesn't work for either in-place or loaded families. Once you get out of edit mode, the old settings resume; thus you cannot alter to pattern line location or orientation. I spoke with Wai from Revit and he confirmed and put in another request for me to fix this pretty basic problem.

2004-02-07, 02:24 AM
It doesn't work for either in-place or loaded families. Once you get out of edit mode, the old settings resume; thus you cannot alter to pattern line location or orientation. I spoke with Wai from Revit and he confirmed and put in another request for me to fix this pretty basic problem.

As you see from the image I posted above, I'm not getting that problem for in place floors.

2004-02-08, 11:12 PM
I'm sorry. I meant created families, like the chimney example I used. As mentioned, it does work for system families like floors, walls and roofs. Try creating an in-place family or loaded family; you'll see what I mean.

2004-02-09, 08:50 AM
Don't know if this is relevant but I have noticed that if there are 2 patterns one model one not, both with the same name this confuses things, try re-nameing model and drafting pasttern names.

2004-02-09, 05:04 PM
I was having this problem with my CMU pilaster/columns joined to my CMU walls. The pilasters cmu pattern simply would not align itself to the wall pattern. My solution for that was to model the pilasters as sections of 16" CMU wall running out from the 8" CMU wall. Now the patterns will align properly.