View Full Version : Export Keynotes to Excel

2005-08-02, 09:16 PM
Is this possible? I just spent a lot of time setting up all my keynotes with CSI system and I even have a type catolag to import notes from excel into revit (by way of csv). However, once they are in Revit many notes get added or edited on the fly. Is it possible to export these notes back out to excel so I can update my type catalog? This will be helpful for future reference but also as a way for my principal to add/edit the notes in excel and then I can dump them all back into Revit in one clean process.

When I exported the schedule it sent it to a comma separated text file which didn't respect the commas within the notes themselves. Therefore my notes were distributed among too many columns. A real mess!

I also tried exporting the whole model to ODBC but my keynotes didn't show up as one of the tables. I really thought that was going to be the answer.

Any ideas? I'm using 7.0


2005-08-02, 09:25 PM
Figured it out myself. When exporting schedule to txt file you need to select tab delimited and " for text qualified. Now I can make my edits in excel and then format the data to match my keynote type catalog and then reload into the project. Nice!