View Full Version : Transparent Roofs?

2005-08-03, 12:28 AM
It would seem that I have somehow enabled my roof to become transparent despite having the view on hidden line!

I've searched around to see what I could possibly have toggled to make such an a thing occur, but alas, I have come to the end of my wits.

Attached is an image of what I've got - the roof pattern is there, but it doesn't hide anything below it. The funny little things sticking out of the side of the roof are some beam embellishments that reside on the bottom surface of the roof. I can still see site work underneath my overhangs, too.

Any thoughts on how to get this fixed? I've got a deadline tomorrow so fast help is better than slow.

Thanks in advance, Revit rock stars.

Alex Page
2005-08-03, 12:42 AM
(first thought) you havent inadvertantly changed its material to a transparent one?

2005-08-03, 12:44 AM
not that I can tell - in the 3d view, the roof hides everything behind it just fine.

2005-08-03, 02:56 AM
Are you using an underlay? Check View Properties and set Underlay to "None"...

What's your View Range set to?

Also, what's the Associated Level (under View Properties)? Is this roof plan created from a Roof Level or is it a copy of a floor plan view with the View Range adjusted?

2005-08-03, 08:00 AM
Have you changed the view to 'wire frame' mode by mistake?

Martin P
2005-08-03, 09:19 AM
I had a similar thing with a wall - it was the phasing, I had accidentally set the wall to be demolished and my phase filter was set up to make demo transparent. Is it that?

Looking at it there are lots of dotted lines - looks like could be a view depth issue too? play about with the view depths.

2005-08-03, 01:34 PM
turns out it was a view range issue - i had to adjust the location of the cut plane. thanks for eveyrone's help. It's much appreciated.