View Full Version : URGENT - Co-ordinates in REVIT

2005-08-03, 02:25 PM
We have a school project which is just beginning on site.

One of the new blocks being built is based on a structural frame, hence we have a structural grid. At present this grid has been drawn in Revit and fixed via dimensions. Our contractors would now prefer us to adopt a co-ordinated method as they feel this will be easier to locate slab penetrations etc rather than using dimensions. We have been given the eastings and northings of all our grid lines and I am wondering if there is a way of entering this information in Revit so, that when I pick a point, it will return the co-ordinates of that point.

Is this achievable? Is Revit that Clever? I do hope so!

All help will be welcomed and appreciated.

2005-08-03, 03:02 PM
Use Tools>Shared Coordinates>Report Shared Coordinates to see the existing coordinates of a location (Tip: you will need a referencable point to snap to. Since a column intersection is not a referencable point, add a temporary line or a column to be able to get use the end point to Report Shared Coordinates). Once you see where you are, you can use "Specify Coordinates at a Point" to Relocate the project to exactly where the contractor has specified. Note that this is like moving the whole world in relation to your project - so all details, sections, etc won't have to move at all. Any linked files you are using will also have to have their coordinates updated (you can also share coordinated systems between linked files - see Linked File help for more information.

2005-08-03, 03:21 PM
Many thanks for your response and I've tried this but id doesn't seem to be working (probably through my ineptness :-~)

I have a point where I know the northings and eastings and I have uses the "Specify Coordinates at a Point" and input these co-ords. When I pick another point that I have known co-ord the numbers don't match!

What could I be doing wrong? I have also noticed that when I "Specify Coordinates at a Point" my model 'appears' to move while a .dwg linked file (of my site survey) stays in the original position.

I hope you can shed some light onto this and tell me where I'm being thick!

Many thanks

2005-08-03, 03:25 PM
Is your 2nd check point one that you're picking from the DWG? Try moving the DWG after you relocate the project. If it's still not working, please post the file (and the DWG) and I'll take a look.

2005-08-03, 03:44 PM
The second point is on the Revit model. Unfortunately I cannot post the file as it is a worksetted project and the file size is nearly 100mb.

I did not originally set this project up and it has been in a mess ever since day one! The survey drawing, when the view is orientated true north has been located so that North is North (if you see what I mean) when I then change the view to project north it seems to be some obscure angle. I wonder whether this would ahve anyhting to do with it?

I was kind of hoping it would be as straight forward as you said but my hopes as fading quickly.


2005-08-03, 03:52 PM
Are you hoping to display the bearing data on a grid line? If you want to display the bearing, you could sketch a property line over the grid line and then tag it. Revit expects you to provide a closed boundary when you use the property line tool, but it will work as long as you don't expect to show the area of the property line, since there is only one segment. A sketch can include numerous segments as long as they don't overlap. See the image...

[edit] If you turn off the property line segment category the tags will remain visible.

2005-08-03, 03:55 PM
Steve you link was invalid so I could not get the gist of what you were saying

could you please try again



2005-08-03, 03:57 PM
...could you please try again...I was replacing the image as you were trying to look, it should be there now...

2005-08-03, 04:01 PM
Many thanks for your help and other help from other people but i have sorted it now!

Stupid me was entering the information 1000 time too small

instead of entering 310000 i was putting in 310.000 which was on my drawing.



2005-08-03, 04:03 PM
Glad to hear you figured it out!

2005-08-06, 01:04 AM
It would be a great improvement if the spot co-ordinate tool snapped to the intersection of two grids. Currently, we have to pace two separate co-ordinate points and make two "relocate this project" moves to get a grid intersection to move to 0.0. It would also be nice if we could select a point and " relocate this project point to 0.0 "

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-06, 08:25 AM
I just draw a model line from the grid intersection and use that as the snap point for relocating the project.

There's still some more to think about tho... some of you may remember the hashing out of coordinating Revit's and AutoCAD's coordinate system that we went thru at the end of Revit 6's development cycle...

Import an AutoCAD circle drawn at 0,0 into Revit using origin-to-origin. Draw some grids and have a grid intersection away from the circle's center point. Relocate the project so that you move the grid intersection to where the AutoCAD. The circle maintains its displacement from the grids.

Delete the DWG and re-import it, this time linking it and place it using the shared coords option. Relocating the project this time causes the project to move its 0,0 point to the DWG's 0,0 so the circle now lands at the grid intersection.

If you think about it, this functionality is spot-on and makes sense. It forever solves the problem of coordinating AutoCAD and Revit's coordinate systems. The case is closed, and I can harp on something else now ;-)