View Full Version : Need help with mouse buttons in AutoCAD 2006

2005-08-03, 09:29 PM
For the last 10 years in AutoCAD we have been able to program the middle button on the mouse to automatically use certain OSnap functions without using running OSnaps. (see below the)



$P0=SNAP $p0=*


we are now using AutoCAD 2006 and with the new changes in AutoCAD 2006 in using the complied file extension of .CUI as the menu file, we cannot figure out how to fix this and as usual the customization guide from autodesk (which seems to get thinner every year) is very vague in helping. Does anyone have any suggestions? and yes i tried to put that in our custom menu file and recompiled it and still did not work

2005-08-03, 09:33 PM

Please note I have *moved* this thread from the AutoLISP (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=91) Forum to this one as I feel this particular Forum is a more appropriate place for such a topic.

Thanks, Mike

Forum Moderator

2005-08-04, 12:09 AM
Ok, you need 3 steps.

#1 Make sure MButtonPan=0 <shudder>
Open the CUI Editor then:
#2 Make a new command similar to screenshot.
#3 Assign the new command to Button 3.

2005-08-04, 01:16 PM
thanks i will give it a try

2005-08-04, 02:06 PM
ok i can get it to work, now how do i put it on other computers without having to program each machine separately.

2005-08-04, 09:38 PM
ok i can get it to work, now how do i put it on other computers without having to program each machine separately.
If they have done any customization in the CUI, there is no merge option. And you cannot transfer mouse node items.

If the others have not modified the cui you worked on (I'm assuming Acad.cui) you could simply copy your over. But that is not the long-term solution, IMHO.

Stuff that I want the whole office to have I place in the enterprise cui file.

2006-08-10, 05:27 PM
we use the middle mouse button to do quick osnap commands without using the running osnap function of auto cad. The default of button 3 is snap menu. we need it to say _endp,midp,cen,int \ after button 3. I have tried to change it at that button butr still can not get it work. in the past this was not a problem in previous versions, since autocad went to cui files it has been a problem for us. we are using autocad 2006 soon to goto 2007.

2006-08-10, 05:40 PM
I use as you but in 2006 I had to use it in the shift+second button

you can see the attached image

2006-08-11, 02:51 AM
Hi "vtmiii" ( Sorry, i do not know your real name )

Please note I have *merged* your above post from the AutoLISP (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=91) forum, into this thread.

Why? - It is dealing with the same initial question, query.

Plus, it will allow everyone offering assistance, help, to see the complete picture ( so far ).

Thanks, Mike

Forum Manager

2006-08-17, 05:43 PM
ok thanks to all the help, after reading another post and helping that person out, i figured out the problem and then wrote the steps down in our cad setup book.

2006-08-18, 04:02 AM
ok thanks to all the help, after reading another post and helping that peerson out, i figured out the problem and then wrote the steps down in our cad setup book.Hi

Would you mind sharing the answer / solution to your particular query, so others may benefit from such information in the future.

:beer: Mike

2006-08-22, 05:52 PM
Ok, the solution is as follows.
1) create the mouse command for the third button and save it as a custom cui file (mouse button.cui). place that file on a server that is backed up nightly. (we have all of our blocks, client Proto types, fonts, lisp routines etc. on a server with our drawing projects on the server).

2) to load the command on any machine . type cuiload, pick browse and the goto the server (ex. P:autocad 2006 setup custom cui files) in that directory look for mouse button.cui. then click on the open button, next screen click on load and then close down that window.

3) type cui and press enter, in top left pane click on mouse, then expand the first +click
at the 3 button which should say button 3: snap.( this is where the new command goes.)
next got to the bottom left pane scroll for down where its says command and look for mouse button and under the Colum that says source it will say mouse button. left click and hold, drag and drop on the button 3 it will change and say ex. abc menu. or what ever called the command ,

the last step is click on apply , make sure mbuttonpan is set to 0 and it should work.

this seems long, but once you set it up the first time, it is a lot faster,

so you don't forget, write down the steps as you do them and put them a book.
we have a book for setting up autocad, and another for lisp routines.
that way if I'm out sick or on vacation and they need to setup a machine, anybody can do it.

2006-08-22, 11:43 PM
Ok, the solution is as follows.


Thank you for taking the time to explain the process :)

:beer: Mike