View Full Version : Map 2005 lost aliases

2005-08-03, 09:40 PM
Many times when I attempt to invoke an alias I have used for years in previous versions of AutoCAD, I get the response:
** Command only valid in Model space **

Or I will get a message to the effect that a particular alias "must be run in another command."

Does anyone know the location of an file that would explain what some of these commands mean in Map 2005. They are not in the pgp file. I have also attempted to undefine some of these commands, so that my pgp file will take precedence, but it seems as if the UNDEFINE only holds for that session of Map, when I restart the program I have to undefine them again.




Glenn Pope
2005-08-04, 02:32 PM
I have ran into this. Check out the thread I posted in the Map wishlist

Conflict in command and aliases names. (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=7711)

I ended up changing the aliases for the commands I wanted to use.

Mline was ML now its LM.

I do this because I use the conflicting commands quite often and didn't want to change them.

You could write a lisp routine that would run at startup to undefine those commands. That is the easiest way I can think of.