View Full Version : Family Download Problem

David Sammons
2004-01-30, 11:09 AM
While trying to load a W-shape (W36x150), I received a message "The family is not of the correct category." I successfully loaded other W-shape families in the past but when I try to load other sizes now I receive the same message.

Any thoughts on resolving this problem?

2004-01-30, 12:30 PM
What steps are you using when trying to load the shapes?

Are you doing a straight "Load from Library" from the File menu, or are you using a command such as "Beam" under the structural tab?

David Sammons
2004-01-30, 01:01 PM
I have tried both, except instead of BEAM I am using COLUMN.

2004-01-30, 01:30 PM
Works here. Are you loading your columns from the column/steel folders & not from the framing/steel folders??