View Full Version : Levels moving when changing one level?

Paul P.
2005-08-04, 11:30 AM
I'm probably having a stupid day but when I try and change the level of my garage floor by 125mm it drags other levels down with it but not all the levels in the project, logical thinking would suggest that these levels are constrained by a dim string but I've checked all elevation and sections and no dim's.

I can't figure out why these levels would be constrained together and not the rest, does anyone have any suggestion as what might be causing this.

Regards, Paul.

2005-08-04, 02:17 PM
Just check the "disjoin" box when using the move command and you should be good to go. This won't help you figure out what the problem was but it should let you get on with the task at hand.

Martin P
2005-08-04, 02:23 PM
Alternatively pin all the other levels - I think disjoin would delete objects on the level.

2005-08-04, 02:34 PM
... logical thinking would suggest that these levels are constrained by a dim string but I've checked all elevation and sections and no dim's.
It's possible to have the levels constrained without a dimension. When the level(s) in question are selected, a dashed green line should appear between the levels, with a lock. You should be able to unlock the constraint.

also... I ran into this problem once - and I don't remember the details, but I think it was something like: I had the top of an element locked to one level and the bottom of the element locked to a different level, and the height of the element locked, forcing a chain reaction... could it be something like that?

Paul P.
2005-08-04, 02:43 PM
Robert, Martin, irusun, thanks for the replies. Irusun you hit the nail on the head but this constraint was only highlighted by using Martins suggestion of pinning the other levels and trying to move the level in question. This is something that I wasn't aware of and I'm not to sure how I did it, I'll have to watch out for that in the future.

Once again thanks.

Regards, Paul.