View Full Version : Phasing of curtain wall panels and mullions

2005-08-04, 03:27 PM
If I have a storefront window that is existing, which has a solid panel along the bottom, and I want to keep the existing storefront and mullions in the new construction phase, but replace that solid panel with a glazed panel in the new phase, how would I accomplish that?

It appears that storefront elements can only be phased the same as the host wall, is this true? Any way around that?

I may end up just showing a note that says to remove the existing panels and replace w/ glass.

2005-08-04, 03:37 PM
Probably the note is the best idea, if you need to show the existing in a view somewhere use a design option for that. you can have a different option shown via the visability settings.

2005-08-05, 07:02 AM
why can't you create another curtain wall with the glazing in use design option?