View Full Version : Existing Phase Question

2005-08-08, 05:25 AM
How would I get existing phases of my design to show up in a separate color from new construction. I was able to do so in plan view but how about elevation?


2005-08-08, 05:40 AM
For Viewing an elevation in shaded mode :-

Set phase filter to one of the settings that over-rides the " existing " category ( ie Show Previous does this )
Go to materials, or alternately, open Setting, Phase, Phase graphic Over-rides and then open the " Phase Existing Material "
Change the material to some solid accurender colour ( ie red ) in shaded mode.

2005-08-08, 06:00 AM
Anyway to do this in hidden line view? Seems to work in plan but not elevation. I tried the directions you gave me and it did work, however I do not want to see the colors of the materials assigned to new construction.

Thanks Again

2005-08-08, 07:03 AM
Similar to BG's approach, an alternative method I use is the first select Settings > Materials; then create or duplicated an existing material... call the new one Phase-Exist; Phase-Demo or similar & assign your appropriate colour.

Then select your wall, create a duplicate and then assisgn the material as "Phase-Exist" or whatever you called it.

You now have different colour selections for new & existing materials
(refer images below)