View Full Version : exterior trim pieces on house?

2005-08-09, 01:50 PM
I have attached two jpegs to help with my question. I am ready to put some trim on a gable end and would like to know the best way to do this. I have tried to do this but I had to pick a plane in elevation and it made me draw in plan which makes it look incorrect. I also will be putting in gable end vents with decoration trim around it.

2005-08-09, 02:34 PM
For gable trim you can do many things, the easiest is to got to an elevation view of your gable end and create an inplace generic model wall family, pick the solid>extrusion> select the wall face as you plane(you need to tab along the edge of the wall until you see the wall edges all highlight, if it tells you to go to plan you picked the wrong face). Then draw your extrusion and set its subcategory and material. The downside to this method is it is static. So another method is to create a roof fascia profile and attach that to you roof via modeling host sweep, then set an offset down and back as needed for you overhang, this method lets the trim adjust if your roof adjusts.

For you gable end vents you would add the trim in the vent family.

2005-08-09, 04:07 PM
I usually use host sweeps (roof and wall) for all my trim. I have profiles set up for all the standard trim sizes (1x2 through 1x12). It's really pretty easy.

Matt Brennan
2005-08-09, 04:23 PM
Here is a roof vent that I use quite often. You can always edit the family if you would like to give it more character.
But I personally create in place extrusion for any brackets. Any horizontal or vertical trim I use the wall sweep tool like Patricks suggested. If I am using a certain bracket that I will be used over and over again, project to project, I will then create a family with full functioning parameters in it. So if the roof slope changes, the bracket will automatically adjust.

Questions just askā€¦

2005-08-09, 05:06 PM
Thanks for the help. I will look into making families down the road them. Still on 7 so could not see your roof vent.

2005-08-09, 11:34 PM
We have a couple of different pieces of "Trim" families. We started with a wall based generic model, made a rectilinear solid and set length width height and material parameters. We have expanded to using 1x terminology for the trim and have 10 different types of trim. We are currently experimenting with using the trim on our standard windows as a nested family.