View Full Version : DWF layers & borders

2005-08-09, 01:50 PM
Can anyone explain to me why in 2 separate drawings that were published to DWF that one recognized the layers and one did not. I am publishing a group of drawings (all individually) to .dwf and the layers are both set to 0 and one is showing up in the viewer/composer as plain black and white drawing (which is what i want to happen) and some of them are picking up the colors of the layers.

Also i have the viewport border set outside the margins of my layout so when it publishes the majority of these drawings it does not show up (which is what i want to happen) and on others it may show a border on certain sides at random.

Can anyone explain this? And help me solve it? I am using AutoCAD 2006 on XP PRO.

Thanks. Amy

2005-08-09, 02:28 PM
Okay i found the problem.

2005-08-09, 09:20 PM
Okay i found the problem.Hi Amy

Would you please share the answer(s) (your findings) so others may benefit...

:beer: Mike