View Full Version : Column & Beam Schedules

2005-08-09, 09:25 PM
I would like to tag my structural columns and beams with a sequential number C1, C2, B1, B2, etc. I also would like to attach the following info so I could extract it into a schedule: i.e. mark, description, base plate elev., top plate elev., saddle type, etc. Would anyone have any info they could share - would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


2005-08-09, 10:10 PM
I just played around in Autocad 2006 with extracted block attributes - makes a table instantly - however it is not bidirectional. When you make changes to the drawing you must regenerate the table to make it current - takes no time at all. I would still like to find a Revit solution if it exists?


Matt Brennan
2005-08-09, 11:17 PM
For what you have indicated, have you looked into “Shared Parameters” yet? Shared Parameters will allow you to attach data to a beam, column, or any family you would like. Once you bring that family in, you can load that shared parameter into the project and schedule as you would like. It is like adding different fields of information to the family.

Is this what you are looking for?

2005-08-10, 07:14 AM
...a sequential number C1, C2, B1, B2...etc..Are you saying the there is only one C1 beam or many? If only one you need to make a new structural framing tag that displays the MARK parameter...if many then you need TYPE MARK.

For the other parameters you only need a project parameter in your project assigned to the structural categories accordingly, as long as you don't need the data in tags too, only schedules. If you need them in tags too, you need shared parameters.

I've attached two families, mark and type mark...

2005-08-10, 03:42 PM
Thank you Steve. What do you mean by "project parameter"? I have sort of muddled through the "shared parameters" getting some mixed results. The scheduling is working fine however some items are tagging correctly others are not - suspect I may have copied at item rather than newly inserting it. I think I have a grasp of what to do - time to start over new. Thanks as well Matt.


2005-08-10, 03:58 PM
...What do you mean by "project parameter"?...I've recently been writing some stuff about parameters at my blog...you can read what I've written there if you like: Revit OpEd (http://revitoped.blogspot.com)

Project parameters are created in the project via Settings > Project Parmeters. Shared parameters can be used to define them, but you can just create one within the project without using shared parameters. A project parameter can appear in schedules, but not tags...