View Full Version : Interior elevation/section tag visibility again

Fred Blome
2005-08-10, 12:59 AM
Well, I just learned the hard way that "Hide Object" not only is not permanent, but the objects still print. Now I have a submitted set of drawings with a zillion interior elevation tags and sections tags referenced to sheets that are not in the printed set of drawings...:o:Oops::mad:

Has anybody found a good workaround for hiding a bunch of tags. I've read the various threads on this. The only option I think works is to select the various tags and change the "Hide at scales course than" setting to make the it courser than the working view. Then to get it back, you'd need to change the view scale to find them, select all instances, reset the parameter, etc. Any other ideas?

Alex Page
2005-08-10, 02:43 AM
'hide annotation in view' surely may be a pain to do (ie: one by one), but must be the best way

2005-08-10, 02:53 AM
Another thing you could do is to use the print option to hide view annotations not referenced to a sheet. This will prevent your numerous elevation and section tags from printing if their views are not placed on sheets.

Fred Blome
2005-08-10, 03:45 AM
Another thing you could do is to use the print option to hide view annotations not referenced to a sheet. This will prevent your numerous elevation and section tags from printing if their views are not placed on sheets.
Unfortunately we are much farther along in the project. We have already cut a multitude of sections and interior elevations and placed them on sheets that we don't want or need to include yet. On this type of project, we submit to the building department with a minimum set of drawings. Along with fast tracking the work, it gives the plan checker less to work thru.

The idea of having to manually to turn them all off, then finding them later to turn them back on is a bit overwhelming. I suppose you could copy view with detailing for a one time turn-off, but you'd still have to create a whole new set of sheets, so that's not really a good option either.

I hope we are soon given some additional tools to deal with this problem of visibility. There have been several ideas proposed. I'd like to see some sort of universal print/don't print parameter that you could attach to many things along with color coding or "flag" to visibly identify it as a non-printing element. Without some way of visible tracking, it would be a nightmare. Or a parameter linked to it's view's sheet's parameter to print/not print. Lot's of options would be possible with this kind of enhanced parameters. That shouldn't be too hard to program in......;-)

Fred Blome
2005-08-10, 10:43 PM
I've reread some posts and found the same solution for hiding sections:
Use the "Hide at scales courser than" parameter - simple enough for now. Create a new section name and the project will organize them together, making it easy to change all together back later.

For interior elevation tags which don't have the same hide parameter, I created a new elevation tag type called hidden, made the lines of the tag white and the text size 1/256". A single or so pixel dot shows up on prints. This works for now too.