View Full Version : Clipping planes in solids display incorrectly

2005-08-10, 01:49 PM
I have a simple circular solid with a hole through the center and holes around the center hole for tapped bolt holes that do not go all the way through. When I set the front clipping plane to display a section through the center, the holes for tap, that are behind the clipping plane, are displayed. All I should see are the main solid and the center hole. The solid is not displaying like a solid. It displays like it's hollow. How do I make it display like a solid object?

2005-08-10, 02:30 PM
I've seen what I think you mean but only in a file from a "proper" solid modeller - not plain acad. Is this from plain acad and can we see the file?

2005-08-10, 04:38 PM
Here's the drawing. It's an AutoCad 2005 file. It is AutoCad solids. Look at layout1 and hide the viewport. Two holes should not display. I know ways to create a drawing that will look right but if this was a real solid, it would not display this way.

2005-08-10, 07:01 PM
Don't worry, it is a solid. Your clipping plane did not intersect the model.
I have added another layout with another view. I have created 2 clipping planes and saved named views that use those planes.
I have also set all three vports to Hidden shademode.

2005-08-10, 09:29 PM
Hi "dervin" (Sorry I don't know your real name)

Please note I have *moved* this thread from the AutoCAD General (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=120) Forum to this one as I feel this particular Forum is a more appropriate place for such a topic.

Thanks, Mike

Forum Moderator

2005-08-22, 02:58 PM
Your views are not any better than mine. A true view of the solid cut thru the center should only show the outer diameter and the inner diameter lines and the edges of the solid. The small holes should not display at all.

2005-08-22, 08:11 PM
Your views are not any better than mine. A true view of the solid cut thru the center should only show the outer diameter and the inner diameter lines and the edges of the solid. The small holes should not display at all.

You're right, there is a problem here using A2006 - are you using A2006?

Everybody. Would someone please try opening Cliptest.dwg with versions between A2000 and A2005.
Plot / plot preview on layout 2 should show 4 vertical lines, not 2 or 8.


2005-08-22, 08:33 PM
I have AutoCad 2005 and AutoCad 2000i. Both produce the same results.

2005-08-22, 08:38 PM
I have AutoCad 2005 and AutoCad 2000i. Both produce the same results.

Strange. I've done this a hundred times in every version since R12 and it's always worked properly. :screwy:

Right. Let's take another look.

2005-08-22, 08:49 PM
Everybody. Would someone please try opening Cliptest.dwg with versions between A2000 and A2005.
Just found this thread. I have a 2k4 machine at the office, I'll have a look tomorrow.

2005-08-22, 09:08 PM
Just found this thread. I have a 2k4 machine at the office, I'll have a look tomorrow.

Thanks Noozy.

2005-08-23, 07:56 AM
You're right, there is a problem here using A2006 - are you using A2006?

Everybody. Would someone please try opening Cliptest.dwg with versions between A2000 and A2005.
Plot / plot preview on layout 2 should show 4 vertical lines, not 2 or 8.Hi John

AutoCAD 2005 SP1
AutoCAD 2002 SP1

Both display (Plot Preview) "Layout 2" with 8 vertical lines...

:beer: Mike

2005-08-23, 09:24 AM
Thanks Mike.

I'm at work with only LT2004 but I'll have another try this evening.

2005-08-23, 12:42 PM
Apparently, AutoCad solids are not solids. As long as I perform any of the solids creation and editing commands in AutoCad it performs and displays like a solid; but, clipping planes set in any direction will display a hollow object (see attached image). This is the first time we have had a project that requires this kind of section. I think, after looking back at other projects that have clipping planes set in views, they are also displaying hollow objects, they are just small objects and we didn't need the detail inside it. You know, the detail we needed was outside the solid and all we needed was the outline of the solid, which a clipping plane provided. This explanes why, when the front and back edges of a solid are clipped out, the display only shows the corners as dots without the edges of the solid. It looks like the solid disappears, but, when hide or shade is on, it appears and a plot will display correctly. We will probably have to use other means to produce the view. AutoCad section will give a 2D version. It seems like a poor substitute because I have to manually update the view. I hope you figure out something better. Thank you!

2005-08-23, 01:44 PM
If you are prepared to do it this way a sliced copy of the part will show what you need to show.

2005-08-23, 04:20 PM
if you just need a section, use the SECTION command, saves having to muck around with clipping planes

2005-08-23, 10:11 PM
As far as I can see the solids are solids because slice, union, etc work correctly. So the problem is the way dview\clip interacts with and displays the solids. I've tried a couple of other shapes and they also seem to act as if the solid is a very thin-walled shell or made of 3dfaces. I'm 99% sure that this wasn't always the case.
A couple of years ago Adesk ended their arrangement with Spatial who developed the ACIS modeller but with an agreement that they (adesk) could further develop the modeller independently of Spatial. Adesk now call it their Shape Manager. I wonder if that could be related?

2005-08-24, 08:17 PM
I appreciate everyone's input. Maybe AutoDesk will review and resolve. It would be interesting to hear what they have to say about it.

2005-08-25, 07:09 AM
I've tried writing it as an R14 file and even an R12 file and as a .SAT file - no difference when opened in A2006. I'm going to try to find someone still using R14 to open it. Not that it will help, of course, but I'm puzzled by this.

You could also try the Solprop/Solview route but I hate using them and they don't update.

2005-08-28, 03:19 PM
I've opened it as a SAT file in R14 now and, I must admit, it looks like I was wrong.
It looks just the same - a thin-walled shell. :cry:

2005-11-09, 01:23 PM
Thanks JohnBogie!
I went through the same denial process. I just couldn't believe that a solid was not a solid. I, too, swore that it hasn't always been that way. Go ahead, admit it, accept it. It will make life much easier.
Thanks again for the extra effort.

2005-11-09, 01:36 PM
Thanks JohnBogie!
I went through the same denial process. I just couldn't believe that a solid was not a solid. I, too, swore that it hasn't always been that way. Go ahead, admit it, accept it. It will make life much easier.
Thanks again for the extra effort.

It is so, it was always so.
It is so, it was always so.
It is so, it..........................

:confused: :banghead: :confused: :banghead:

2005-11-09, 02:02 PM
Of course, what has changed is the introduction of OpenGL.