View Full Version : Where are continous footings in object styles?

2005-08-10, 09:22 PM
I need to adjust their lineweight to match my foundation wall

2005-08-10, 09:29 PM
It's considered a structural foundation.

2005-08-10, 09:35 PM
Ok now I feel stupid, thats what I was trying to change but it was a linked file....doh!

2005-08-10, 09:41 PM
heh... if you just hover over and pre-highlight an object, the little pop-up box will tell you what the element is classified under.

2005-08-10, 09:43 PM
Yeah I know, thank you patrick, I just thought changing the object styles in the project would change the linked file...I'll go sit in the corner lmao

2005-08-10, 09:52 PM
... with your dunce cap on... I KEED I KEED :p we all do things like that now and again.

I think dunce caps are probably illegal in schools nowadays, because of self-esteem issues and all that.