View Full Version : material parameter

Max Lloyd
2005-08-11, 02:49 PM
Hi Guys.

I'm making some kitchen units and want to make the material of the door an instance parameter. How?



2005-08-11, 03:10 PM
Hey Max....
Just edit the family....go to family editor....select the material parameter data...and edit...then change "type" to "instance"

I am assuming that the material exists in your parameter data....if it doesn't you'll need to add it and then tell the objects (within the family) to be that material....unless you use the subcategory option...but that is another question..


Max Lloyd
2005-08-11, 03:12 PM
I've figured out how to create the parameter now. I just can't get the door to be associated with the parameter. I've attached the file for any comments.

2005-08-11, 03:13 PM
Edit the family. Add an material parameter (and select "instance") to the family (in Family Types).

Select the elements of the family you want to have the instance parameter assigned to and click Properties. For material, select the "=" and then select your instance parameter.

Reload the family into your project and you should now be able to change materials by instance.


2005-08-11, 03:17 PM
I was a little late on that last post... but the key is selecting the door panel and then clicking Properties and then clicking the "=" sign next to material, and then selecting your instance parameter.

Andre Baros
2005-08-11, 03:17 PM
Fist, in your Family Types, ADD a new Paramter and set it's type to "material" (for later convenience you can also group the parameter under "Materials and Finishes") and of course check the "instance" button.

Then go to each element for which you want to be able to control the material and under it's "properties" change the material from <By Category> to the parameter you just set up. You change it by clicking the small grey box at the far right which will change to an "equals" sign and grey out the material option.

Max Lloyd
2005-08-11, 03:20 PM
Excellent. Thanks guys. I missed the little '=' button in the properties.

Thanks very much everyone. Once again Augi strikes over the revit manual!