View Full Version : Help for a new instructor...

2005-08-11, 09:11 PM
I have just been offered a position teaching an intro class at a local college. I guess I'm looking for any pointers, advice, anything from anyone who has taught a class. How do you keep the students busy for three hours??!!! Any help would be great. Thanks.


2005-08-11, 09:43 PM

Please note I have *moved* this thread from the AutoCAD General (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=120) Forum to this one as I feel this particular Forum is a more appropriate place for such a topic.

Thanks, Mike

Forum Moderator

2005-08-11, 10:04 PM
Busy for 3 hours?
Hell - that won't even cover how to open a file.

2005-08-11, 10:05 PM
haha. Guess I should have been more specific. The class is three hours a night, two nights a week, for a semester.

2005-08-12, 04:41 PM
haha. Guess I should have been more specific. The class is three hours a night, two nights a week, for a semester.
did they give you a syllabus, or course outline? that might help with getting some specific suggestions. Also, what skill level is the class? intro to cad? or a specific discipline?

good luck! :)

2005-08-12, 05:50 PM
haha. Guess I should have been more specific. The class is three hours a night, two nights a week, for a semester.
Been there - done that.
Yes it will take 2 nights just to get the line command down.

2005-08-12, 06:11 PM
i was given the syllabus from the last instructor, so that will really help. next week i'm meeting with some other instructors in the department to discuss what they want the students to know. it's an intro to cad and is a pre-requisite for some fashion and interior design courses.

2005-08-12, 08:25 PM
Oh. ID. Even tougher.
My classes were mixed Arch/ID.

2005-08-12, 08:27 PM
yeah, i'm not too familiar with interior design. my background is landscape architecture, and i do only 3d work now.

2005-08-13, 02:21 AM
Ask to students to tell you if you're going too fast or too slow.

Preface your class saying that this program is very deep and it's probably impossible to learn 100% of it. That doesn't mean that they can't start being productive quickly with even a very limited knowledge of the program. An analogy might be the English language -- hundreds of thousand of words but even the most literate of us might know 10% of them. Yet even with such a limitation we can communicate well.

2005-08-17, 05:15 PM
Ask to students to tell you if you're going too fast or too slow.

Preface your class saying that this program is very deep and it's probably impossible to learn 100% of it. That doesn't mean that they can't start being productive quickly with even a very limited knowledge of the program. An analogy might be the English language -- hundreds of thousand of words but even the most literate of us might know 10% of them. Yet even with such a limitation we can communicate well.
That's a fairly accurate assessment of AutoCAD. I feel I know a lot about the program, but I never cease to learn something new, or a more effective way of doing something.

2005-08-17, 07:23 PM
If the class is intended for ID folks then you have a dual task
to teach them how to effectively communicate the design intent is one thing, but as you can emphasize the need to play nice with the aec community (their dwgs will be used by other disciplines) . as much as I hate to point fingers, the ID folks do some way funky things with lines in dwg's. perhaps this is also an ID office standards issue, but bad habits starts in the school...

2005-08-24, 01:19 AM
ok, class starts in fifteen minutes. thanks for everyone's input!

so, i got here pretty early to check things out and get situated. i had the alarm code, but they failed to tell me what to press after entering the code. yup, there goes the alarm. luckily there was a lab tech next door who helped me out. i hope that was the worst of it!

2005-08-24, 01:20 AM
ok, class starts in fifteen minutes. thanks for everyone's input!Hi

Good luck :)

:beer: Mike

2005-08-24, 07:46 PM
ok, class starts in fifteen minutes. thanks for everyone's input!

so, i got here pretty early to check things out and get situated. i had the alarm code, but they failed to tell me what to press after entering the code. yup, there goes the alarm. luckily there was a lab tech next door who helped me out. i hope that was the worst of it!

sorry a day late... so how did it go? (0f course after the alarm situation)?