View Full Version : Exterior walls represented as single lines on site plans

2005-08-12, 02:07 AM
Does anyone have suggestions for an alternate/better method to represent the building exterior perimeter as single lines on a site plan other then the following steps that I am working though.

Here are the steps that I have taken:
1.Break the model in worksets so that only exterior walls can are visible on the site plan
2.Use the linework tool to turn all of the interior wall faces invisible
3.Create a plan region with the primary range and view depth above the doors/windows so that the door/window cuts-outs in the walls do not appear on the plan.

Ken Marcus
Ideate Inc.

2005-08-12, 02:18 AM
Use a Filled Region.

2005-08-12, 02:20 AM
What I have done on a couple of test site plans is duplicate my floor plan and then rename it to something like building footprint, then I create a blank opaque filled region with a line weight and type to my liking and then use that for a site plan. I will post an image tomorrow morning when I get into the office to show you what I am talking about.

2005-08-12, 04:47 AM
I created a duplicate view of my floor plan...foundation plan...a plan that represents the footprint of the building.

I've created a phase called site which only includes the exterior walls and assigned this phase to this duplicate view.

Set this view's detail level to coarse...(walls are only displayed as two parallel lines)

Using the linework tool (button), I set the linework definition to "Invisible lines"

Then select the lines on the interior face of the foundation walls and they disappear...leaving behind the linework that represents the outside fwall face (footprint)

Just another idea for your consideration.


2005-08-12, 04:49 AM
[Evil Steve mode on]
Use structural beams for your walls because they have a stick frame representation then put room separation lines over them so you can use room tags!!!!
[ESM off]

Sorry...he's back in his cage... I think what he meant to suggest was use an Area Plan and turn off the model geometry after you place area boundary lines over the exterior of the building. Set the Area Boundary line style in that view to be "thick" etc., just another approach.

2005-08-12, 05:52 AM
...use an Area Plan and turn off the model geometry after you place area boundary lines... Area plans works great...there quick and they automatically updates when you move exterior walls.

...I just wish you could select core face for applying area boundary lines.