View Full Version : Improving On Screen Text

Roger Evans
2005-08-13, 11:22 AM
I have noticed a degrade to the on screen text compared to previous versions of Revit
I have not changed or upgraded any piece of equipment or any settings that I know of.

Print quality is fine it's just that whereas the tile block in 6.1 was fairly crisp it is now much poorer & almost fuzzy. Text in all previous versions of Revit were much sharper

I wonder if I have inadvertently reset something & if there is any way I can improve the on screen display

Edit ~ Comment Applies to Titleblock upgraded from previous versions & not general text notes

Advice appreciated

2005-08-14, 02:39 AM
Could it be the font smoothing setting in Windows?

2005-08-14, 02:49 AM
Given it's saturday where you are, are you sure the computer hasn't got a hangover ;-)


Roger Evans
2005-08-14, 07:28 AM
Checked & Tweaked my Titleblock Fonts which were set to transparent
When I change to opaque the font is crisp ~ it is transparent font that becomes fuzzy

Checked on main files & Same problem occurs in project files regardless of font size

Don't know why & I don't remember having this problem in earlier versions

2005-08-14, 08:03 AM
I could only check back to 7.0, but it certainly occurs there also.

Roger Evans
2005-08-14, 09:09 AM
I could only check back to 7.0, but it certainly occurs there also.

Appears it is a problem with 7.0 onward ~ I checked 6.1 & its OK

2005-08-14, 09:39 AM
Appears it is a problem with 7.0 onward ~ I checked 6.1 & its OK

From memory V7 introduced quite a few changes in the OpenGL implementation. Have you tried altering any of these settings? Overlays etc? Also make sure you have the latest DirectX and drivers for your graphics card.


Roger Evans
2005-08-14, 10:15 AM
Previous Original setting was without Open GL / Overlay ticked

Tried open GL with overlay ticked

Attached screen shot

2005-08-14, 03:19 PM
Same issue. I've noticed this for a while. I decided to make all my standard text styles opaque and only use transparent when I absolutely need it. Kind of a drag. It never occurred to me it might be a graphics setting issue (hey, if it can happen on a nVidia Quadro FX500 - my work machine - then it's a Revit issue, not a hardware issue).

I'm on my home machine right now - Revit 8.1 w/ nVidia GF6200:

With OpenGL and Overlay on, transparent text looks fuzzy.

With OpenGL and Overlay off, transparent text looks sharp.

With OpenGL off and Overlay on, transparent text looks fuzzy.

With OpenGL on and Overlay off, text disappears (I can see it flickering when I zoom in and out). Real nice.

2005-08-14, 04:00 PM
I always thought it was like that so you could tell which text was set as transparent and which text was set as opaque.

2005-08-14, 04:31 PM
I always thought it was like that so you could tell which text was set as transparent and which text was set as opaque.
Revit Developer: "Umm, yeah, umm, right... you mean, umm, you thought that was a bug? Ha, ha. No, no... umm, that's a feature!" ;)

Roger Evans
2005-08-14, 06:18 PM
Well even though there is no visible improvement one good thing has come of this ~ Thanks to GuyR I've updated ATI Drivers & also reinstalled DirectX which disappeared after my last crash ~ not that I have a bleeding clue what to do with DirectX but at least I now know I have it.

2005-08-15, 04:03 PM
I'm pretty sure it is just if you have the overlay planes checked that the text looks bad.

Scott Hopkins
2005-09-16, 12:53 AM
It sure would be nice to see a fix in 9.0 from the Factory on this one....

2005-09-16, 01:02 AM
It sure would be nice to see a fix in 9.0 from the Factory on this one....
Speaking of screen text, Scott - the text in your posts has been tiny the last few weeks (at least in my FF browser) - any chance you would consider bumping your default size up a little bit? ;)

Scott Hopkins
2005-09-16, 02:33 AM
Speaking of screen text, Scott - the text in your posts has been tiny the last few weeks (at least in my FF browser) - any chance you would consider bumping your default size up a little bit? ;)
Really? Not sure about that one. Everything looks ok on my end. I just got a new 1600 x 1200 monitor and am using the DPI adjustment to make the text a little more readable. That could be it. What is the standard font size on the board? My apologies for making people squint.

2005-09-16, 02:59 AM
Hi Scott,

Your last post above is fine. ( Previous ones were all - tiny. )

Standard size is 2. ( yours looked like 1 . )

2005-09-20, 01:50 PM
Hey there,
Well, now this thread makes sense. My old machine, which has a Radeon graphics card didn't seem to care about fonts being transparent or opaque as it related to the overlay plane option. My new machine, with the nVidia card does. When I have overlyay planes un-checked, the transpararent fonts look fine; however, I have performance issues with a few things. (Schedules taking a while to refresh or generate and titleblocks flickering when clicked.)
With overlay planes selected, everything works better, but the transparent fonts look terrible.

This ties in with my post on the "hardware" forum.

Hmmmmm, what a choice

Roger Evans
2005-09-20, 03:15 PM
My Machine has Radeon 9600 (Revit 8.0)
overlay off transparent ok
Overlay on transparent has problem

so it appears problem is not related to a type of card