View Full Version : How to attach a wall to a ramp?

2005-08-15, 04:06 PM
Hi everybody!

I need to connect the top of a wall to the bottom of a curved ramp. I can't find tools to do that in Revit. Any help will be appreciate.


2005-08-15, 04:08 PM
There is no specific tool that does it automatically. You can create a sloped floor for a ramp, then you can attach to it. Or you can in section place a sloped ref. plane that follows your ramp slope then attach the walls to that plane.

2005-08-15, 04:14 PM
There is no specific tool that does it automatically. You can create a sloped floor for a ramp, then you can attach to it. Or you can in section place a sloped ref. plane that follows your ramp slope then attach the walls to that plane.
I think it's not the way I want.
Reference plan is a flat surface, but I need a attach wall to spiral surface.

2005-08-15, 05:45 PM
You can't really do that perfectly, you can fake it pretty well with a series of ref planes, or you can add a railing to your ramp and use a profile the size of a wall for the rail, this will give you a spiraling wall. Then just make it tall enought to overlapp your wall, you will have to use the linework tool to clean up the overlapping lines, but it will render properly.

2008-08-14, 07:28 PM
Is there a way to hide a wall underneath a ramp? The wall extends past the width of the ramp and can't get it to display as hidden.

2008-08-14, 08:08 PM
Is there a way to hide a wall underneath a ramp? The wall extends past the width of the ramp and can't get it to display as hidden.

You can edit the wall's profile.

2008-08-14, 09:36 PM
I've tried that and did notice it works in certain instances but not all for some weird reason. I tried adjusting the view range but that didn't make a difference. I will be sure to use floors in the future instead of awful ramps. I ended up using a mask region for that specific instance.


2008-08-14, 09:45 PM
To Gatchy

A ramp doesn't show walls under it with hide lines. After edit profile you can use a Linework tool and assign Hide Lines of <Invisible lines> for the part of the wall under the ramp. I believe it is better way then use a mask region.