View Full Version : SOLVIEW, SOLDRAW - it gives me the view, but doesn't add the hidden lines

2005-08-15, 05:08 PM
Hey all,

I used to draw things in 3D, then use solview or soldraw (or both) and get plan, top, left, etc. views by dragging from a viewport. I've tried using these and it kind of works... it gives me the view, but doesn't add the hidden lines. Is there something I'm missing? I haven't used that command in a long time, but I know I have before... Any help would be great!


2005-08-15, 05:16 PM
Sounds like you're doing it right.

Do you mean the hidden lines are there, but they are continuous? Or do you mean there is no line at all where the hidden line should be?

What are the linetypes for the 3 layers that are created by the soldraw command?
The hidden layer shoud be called <Viewname>-HID and the linetype set to HIDDEN.

Try adjusting your ltscale.

2005-08-15, 07:11 PM
Yes, it's set to hidden... My ltscale is set properly, my psltscale is set properly, my dimscale is set properly... I see it there, just not hidden... It looks as though I set my view to see the side and don't hide anything or do anything, it's all white and, uh, there. Hmmm...

Nebermind, I got it. It WAS the Ltscale...