View Full Version : Site Surface Error Message

2005-08-15, 05:59 PM
I am modifying a site to play with grading. I have done this exactly the same way about a hundred times but this time I am getting an error and I can't figure out what it means. All I am doing is changing the elevation of points, and occassionally copying points to new locations to smooth out the grades.
The error message says this:
"A point is outside of the surface boundary. Insert the point on the boundary instead and then drag it to the desired location."

What boundary? This is about in the middle of my site and there are no subregions, etc. anywhere nearby. I have also tried (besides the copy method above) inserting fresh points and I get the same error...
Any advice? help?

2005-08-15, 07:11 PM
If you just move a point by dragging it, I've seen it drop its elevation to 0. This could be the problem. That message usually indicates you have moved or placed a point outside the perimeter of the topo surface.