2005-08-16, 04:07 PM
I couldn't find a thread that describes how to view an entire object data table like in excel. Does the possibility exist to do that in Map?

Thanks, Jim

2005-08-16, 11:56 PM
I dont believe we can do that in Map. But you could query OD by table into a report and import that into excel. Not real on-the-fly...


2005-08-18, 02:39 PM
Thanks for the response, I guess another reason to have alternative GIS software on hand. It it were mine, I would just export as shape file and go at it, but the dept. that maintains the map file wants to keep it in CAD. This might be a good one for the wish list.


Glenn Pope
2005-08-18, 04:10 PM
Something else you could do is convert OD to database links. This would create an database outside the drawing and link the objects to it. Then you could either use the database program to look at the data or use the table views in MAP. I would like to be able to see a OD table straight from Map though.

2005-08-18, 06:49 PM
Just curious about the convert to database; when I tried it, the link in the project space has a red x through it as though it doesn't exist. Although this might not be an alternative, I want to see how it works, but can't make it work.


Glenn Pope
2005-08-18, 07:03 PM
Doses the following help. After everything is done you should have a nice table linked up and ready to go.

To convert object data to a linked database table

Click Setup menu Convert Object Data to Database Links.
In the Convert Object Data to Database Links dialog box, under Source Object Data Table, select an object data table.
Select Remove Data From Objects Processed to delete the object data after creating the link.
Under Target Link Template, select Convert Object Data To Database.
Click Define to specify the link template.
In the Define Link Template dialog box, select an available data source. Click Connect.
Enter a table name.
Specify the fields to use as key fields (columns). To enter more than one field name, separate names with a comma.

To select from a list of field names in the object data table, or to rename the fields, click Select to display the Select Link Template Key(s) dialog box.

You can use an existing object data field as the key column or create a new field. If you select Generate Key Field, specify a name for the field in the Generate Key area. Autodesk Map 3D sets the first record in the database table to 1, and increments each subsequent record by 1. Click OK to close the Select Link Template Key(s) dialog box.

In the Define Link Template dialog box, enter a name for the link template and click OK.

The link template stores the address of the database table and the name of the key field. Accept the default or enter a new unique name.
In the Convert Object Data To Database Links dialog box, specify how you want to select objects with attached object data.

You can select objects automatically or manually, and you can use a filter to restrict selection to specified layers.

Click Proceed.
Autodesk Map 3D converts the object data into linked database tables.

2005-08-24, 06:11 PM
Still only get what I got before, a link with a red X that is not attached??