View Full Version : Transfer Legends?. . .and oh this too.

2005-08-16, 05:45 PM
Is there a way?

We use them for out keynotes, and other notes that will show up in every project or on multiple sheets.

The drag that I have found is that we have a lot of multi-building projects, and its frustrating to have to have to open each building to update each legend, and then you still have to use a cut and paste method. (i know this wounds whiny, but you get used to stuff like this when you used to Revit. . .don't you agree. . .we do complain about some things that CADDers wouldn't even notice).

Anyway, it would be nice to have a choice under "Transfer Project Standards" for legends and maybe even detail views as well.

Oh, you know my other question. Started because of legends. Is there a way to create sub-folders in your project browser? I tried, and it didn't seem to take what I wanted with out making a mess out of everything else.

I know you can have it bunch views/sheets/info based off of the title, and thats ok for some and wouldn't mind that if i could tell it to do that in just the floor plans views or something, but it effect every category and then its no good.


Matt Brennan
2005-08-16, 06:01 PM
You could create some standard keynote symbols and import them into each specific project. The only problem with that is the fact you would have to continually edit your family. Almost every project will be different.
Or you could always have a multiple set of keynote legends preloaded in your template. When you start a new project, delete the ones you do not want to use and go with that.

I try to be as lazy as possible with Revit Stunts but in a situation like this, sometimes you have to bite the bullet. I was once told, “the best draftsman, is the laziest draftsman”. I hope this is what you were looking for.

2005-08-16, 06:59 PM
I actually do just create a generic annotation symbol for this type of thing, general notes, system notes etc. I know its not the revit way, but its much faster, if you neeed to make a change you just open the annotation family and then reload it in all your projects. Once keynotes and noting gets "smarter" then I will drop this work around.

Scott D Davis
2005-08-16, 07:13 PM
The Factory is aware that Legends need to be cut and pasted from one project to another, as a view, rather than cut-n-paste the legend elements from one legend view to another. I was told than it didn't make it into a release yet....(yet being the key word!)