View Full Version : Stone wall patterns

2004-02-04, 10:58 PM
Has anyone found a good source for stone. Specifically I'm looking for a texture to be applied to a material. Cultured stone or real stone would be helpful.


Les Therrien
2004-02-04, 11:34 PM

I just posted the cultured stone pattern files. See "scaling cultured stone pattern files" in the general section of this site.


Wes Macaulay
2004-02-05, 12:45 AM
Order the StoneCAD CD from Owens Corning - go to StoneCAD.com and register for the CD. It's got 100Mb of good bitmaps for rendering.

Note that patterns on the CD won't work well with Revit; they'll be too small. Get the old StoneCAD patterns - the v1 patterns are out there - I've sent them to a couple of people already.

2004-02-05, 03:46 PM
Thanks, I'll contact StoneCad and keep my eyes open for V.1.


2004-02-05, 04:05 PM
We have the StoneCAD 4.0 CD in our office (we got on their mailing list somehow) and this thread inspired me to pull it out. The CD contains .pat files specifically written for Revit. I looked in the info pop up regarding hatch patterns and found this little gem regarding Revit. "The (Revit) patterns included in StoneCAD4 are legacy patterns since Revit has a bug recognizing the modern StoneCAD pattern files." I have created a zip file of all of the Revit .pat files on the CD. There was some concern expressed about copyright in the other thread so I will email the zip file to Steve Stafford and let him decide if he is willing to post it. Don't mean to put you on the spot Steve but It seems to me that since Owens Corning freely distributes and shares these patterns with the architectural community for use in our drawings, they wouldn't mind us sharing unaltered versions of their files as long as they are given credit for being the creators. Of course this is easy for me to say because it won't be my behind in the wringer if there is trouble. Perhaps Steve could contact StoneCAD asking their permission to post. In the meantime, I would order the CD which will get you the patterns and the image maps Wes refered to.

Les Therrien
2004-02-05, 07:53 PM
Think of all the money they'd save by us shipping it around for them. They wouldn't have to purchase the CDs, the cases, instruction booklets..... Does anyone have a strong contact there that they could get written permission?

2004-03-25, 06:53 PM
Just re-read this thread myself. Does anyone know if the bug regarding reading the current Stonecad patterns has been fixed in 6.1?

2004-03-25, 08:40 PM
Upon reflection, it doesn't seem unreasonable to assume that it is okay to post unaltered Stonecad pattern files with the author credit intact. Since it has been done on RUGI for quite some time without apparent issue I believe we'd be acting unreasonably to allow it. What do you say Z?

2004-04-01, 05:29 PM
Ok, I've found a stone pattern which meets my needs for elevations, but does anyone know where I can find a material which will show up in the 3D views as well. I've attached an example of the elevation showing the stone. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


2004-04-01, 10:35 PM
Have you thought of taking a digital photo of the actual stone material to make you own render texture ?

2004-04-02, 07:56 PM

I hadn't thought of that, but I went and bought a digital camera and took the photo. I've put it into the material and applied it to the project. When I render it it looks terrible. Any thoughts? I just got Cyril's Advanced Courseware book for 5.1, I'll see if there is anything that addresses the issue in there. I'll post the photo I took so you can see what I'm looking for. Thanks for your help and have a great weekend.


2004-04-02, 09:54 PM
these might work for you.


2004-04-05, 02:54 AM
Thanks Ghris, I'll give them a try.


2004-09-21, 04:59 PM
Just read in a magazine that StoneCAD 4.3 is out. I went to the Owens Corning website and contacted support to see if the problem with the hatch patterns and Revit has been resolved. I will keep you informed when (or perhaps I should say if) I hear anything from them.

2005-04-26, 03:05 AM
Hi All.

I'm the author of the StoneCAD application. My educated guess is that sharing the patterns on this forum (or any other forum) is NOT okay with Owens Corning. Version 4.3 of StoneCAD was ready for distribution at last years AIA show and suffice to say it got held up inside of corporate decision making. It was never released. We are currently working on the next release (currently anticipated to be verison 5).

We would very much appreciate input the AUGI community wishes to share with respect to preparing the patterns for use with Revit (or other input from users). May I be so bold to suggest if there are suggestions we create a new topic for that discussion.

Our goal with StoneCAD has always been to provide tools to make the architect's job easier.

2005-04-26, 03:24 AM
Welcome and thanks for writing!

...I'm the author of the StoneCAD application...My educated guess is...sharing the patterns on this forum (or any other forum) is NOT okay with Owens Corning....Can you confirm this with them? Are you recommending that we not permit members to post the files? If so, we'll remove them accordingly.

We would very much appreciate input the AUGI community wishes to share with respect to preparing the patterns for use with Revit (or other input from users). May I be so bold to suggest if there are suggestions we create a new topic for that discussion.
Would you be kind enough to start a new thread in our forum, R&D Lounge to ask anything you'd like answers for?

Our goal with StoneCAD has always been to provide tools to make the architect's job easier.A very nice goal, Thanks!