View Full Version : Dimension Line Tick Mark question:

2005-08-17, 03:34 PM
Hey there,
Without an image, this may be difficult to convey; however, I have always wondered if this was possible in Revit. (You family editing gurus may know this one!)

This question is for when you have a continuous dimension string and you have one dimension somewhere in the middle of the string which is very small and doesn't really leave enough roombetween the witness lines for both the dimension and the arrow tick marks (or even just the tickmarks with the dimension moved off).

The old hand drafting approach was to simply not use tick marks on the small dimension and have the tick marks from the other two sides remain to show this. Now, I simply move the dimension away, but the tick marks sometimes overlap because of the narrow spacing.

Is there a way to edit a dimension family to have Revit automatically not place tick marks for dimensions which may be under a certain size? Hmmmmm.

Thanks in advance

2005-08-18, 03:44 AM
not that i'm aware of... what I do around this problem is to use leaders in the dimension and move the text left or right. you will still get a leader going into the space to minimize confusion...

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-08-18, 06:15 AM
Revit won't do it automatically but you can create a new dimtype with no tick marks and change the ones needed.

2005-08-18, 02:15 PM
Hey there,
Well, you both have described great work arounds, both of which I use. In addition, another approach (work around) is to place a white filled region directly over the string, covering the line and tick marks and then, moving the dimension off and replacing the string line with a drafting line.

I was hoping for a new family edit approach. I don't think it is possible yet.

Oh well. Minor issue

2005-08-18, 04:36 PM
Steve, I wish I could visualize your problem. I either move the text up, or over the left or right, or even have the option of opaque text or transparent text. Back in autocad days we would just have the dimension the same way...either to the left (with no leader if possible) or above or right.


2005-08-18, 07:08 PM
I was wondering if one can set up dimension strings by default at what the text (with no leader) is to the left or right (if possible) ?

2005-08-19, 02:22 PM
Steve, I wish I could visualize your problem. I either move the text up, or over the left or right, or even have the option of opaque text or transparent text. Back in autocad days we would just have the dimension the same way...either to the left (with no leader if possible) or above or right.

Hey Luigi,
Think of it as a graphics issue rather than a text issue. What I am really after is to not have tick marks on really small dimensions which are located inside of the witness lines. If you can picture a dimension string, and you have a 4" or 12" dimension, the tick marks can actually overlap each other. I used to simply place tick marks on the 'outsides' of the string (other side of witness line) so that it reads better, especially if it is a running string.

But, I am sure there is not a way to do it "yet".