View Full Version : DBX to flatten a drawing - How accurate

2005-08-17, 03:40 PM
My first post - I'm questioning the accuracy of a file that I am currently working on. Here's the scenario. I received a file from a vendor (Microstation format) and had it converted to Autocad (I don't know how this was done). I then received the file (3D) and flattened it using dxb.(whew)

How accurate is this file?

2005-08-17, 04:06 PM
It might be better to use either Express Tools Flatten, or my version floating around here (search the forums or Exchange).

BTW, Welcome!

2005-08-18, 01:17 PM
I used both DBX & Flatten, checked some dimensions and there were still some anomalies.
The most accurate solution was using the solprof command.

I'm happy now.