View Full Version : Fonts

David Haynes
2003-05-19, 05:29 PM
What fonts do people recommend for workiing drawings other than architect styled fonts? Coming from Autocad where you could reduce the spacing with the "width factor" option, I am curious to see what others are doing for titles and for typical text with a CD set.

I am not against the architect styled fonts, just find them hard to read when a 1/2 sized set is done for clients or archived, etc.

2003-05-19, 05:37 PM
Get whatever you want at http://www.1001freefonts.com

2003-05-19, 05:53 PM
I'm having a "Dickens" of a time matching our Microstation/Acad templates in Revit. They use shx or other and R uses ttf. The width factor is a pain. All our Tblocks have fudged the width on the fonts so they sorta resemble the real thing now. So I'm up the creek on matching...short of changing the legacy stuff too, that's a can I'm not ready to open yet!

2003-05-21, 02:29 AM
To answer your question, we use Arial and it matches our shx file close enough that it is not too noticeable. On the other hand we have added an interiors department and they require more text boxes on the titlesheet and therefore we don't necessarily need to change but create new.

And for the record our Revit projects are "reverse engineered" and the ACAD titleblocks mimic their Revit counterparts.

Ramble, ramble, ramble...

2003-05-21, 01:29 PM
I like to use the Arial family because regular Arial is good for sheets and legends, Arial Narrow is great for drawing notes and dimensions, and Arial Black is good for presentation titles.

My 2 cents...

2003-05-21, 02:17 PM
I use Arial too, but largely because our corporate heading uses Arial so it means there is a consistency in everything we produce. What a pity that only stands true for the drawings....


2003-05-22, 08:47 PM
Would anybody have a helvetica medium ttf. I am originally a mac user and helvetica was the standard. Now with the PC arial appears to be the standard. I have a goverment client who requires all there signage to be in helvetica medium. I checked on the internet for free fonts but helvetica wasn't available other than commercially. :?:

Anybody want to check there fonts folder?