View Full Version : Finishing and floors

2005-08-17, 06:44 PM
Hi, all!

Is it possible in Revit to make bidirectional link between finishing in room tag and floor (or ceiling)? So when I graphically change floor type on drawing I'd like the Floor Finish parameter in Room Tag changes automatically. And changing Room Tag parameters to have automatically replacement Revit floor (or ceiling) type in the room.
Can I do that?


2005-08-18, 02:25 PM
Hey there,
Yes it can be done. Search some of Archjake's posts. http://forums.augi.com/member.php?u=54908

good luck

2005-08-18, 03:00 PM
Hey there,
Yes it can be done. Search some of Archjake's posts. http://forums.augi.com/member.php?u=54908
Thanks for link.
Unfortunately, I can't find a solution for my case. One Archjake's post with similar theme is about Room Tag for multi wall finishing and another one is about impossibility of placing project information into Room Tag. May be it's the answer and I can't link Floor Family Type to room properties? :(

2005-08-18, 03:26 PM
Unfortunately, i've found the short answer to be NO.
You can schedule floors and ceilings, but you can't capture that data in the room schedule but manually. Floors and ceilings are generally unaware of what room they're in, and you can place multiple floors and ceilings in a room, and spread them across multiple rooms, so there isn't a simple way to grab the data programatically, which i think is why the developers haven't addressed this yet even though its a common wish.