View Full Version : Save to Central taking forever

2005-08-17, 07:31 PM
Is anyone else running into problems with this?

We are working on a decent sized project a 130,000 SF school. The revit file at one time was up to 90 meg we have eliminated many unnesicary items and purged to get it down to 65 meg.

The problem is everytime that we save to central the computer ends up working for a good 10 minutes. Checking out worksets takes about 2 minutes in processeing including when when borrowing items.

I understand that this file is getting big but this seems like a rather exorbanent amount of time. Is there anything I can do to cut down this time? I have tried only opening specific worksets but that does not reduce the time at all.

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-17, 07:58 PM
That's not really a huge file, James. 8.1 is meant to solve much of this since during STC in Revit 8 entire worksets are written to central each time an object in that workset is changed.

In 8.1 only the changed object is written. As you can imagine, this should increase performance significantly.

If you're not upgrading, try increasing the number of worksets so that the file is more partitioned, if you will. When an object is changed, the size of the workset is smaller and thus less data has to be written to central.


Wes Macaulay
2005-08-17, 08:00 PM
I should mention that this has been an issue on some of our projects -- especially if you have not saved for a long time since the last STC and there are several users working hard on the project. With four users and up STC times can increase into the 10 minute range on large projects if users are not saving often.

2005-08-18, 12:25 AM
We have seen increased STC times of 100% faster or better with 8.1 versus 8.0. The only drawback I've seen so far is that the central file can get large in 8.1. I guess there's a lot of redundant data stored in the central file as a result of the object level file writing. But, the Revit team anticipated this and gave us the option to "Compress central file" on save. I just did this on our project and it cut the central file size on disk in half.

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-08-18, 07:31 AM
James, we have had similar issues in the past with up to 40min saves to Central, except on one machine(taking 5-7min). We noticed the only difference between the machines was RAM. After upgrading the rest to 2GB RAM, save times got alot better.

2005-08-18, 08:54 AM
Thanks Zeds

You have just given me the evidence I need to convince the boss to upgrade our RAM... Can't wait to get 8.1 - sounds like STC will be a far more pleasant experience in future!

Ciao Marco